Archive for General

Register Today for the Course in Subdivision and Land Development Review

The Delaware County Planning Department is sponsoring the Course in Subdivision and Land Development during the evenings of April 27, May 4 and 11. This course deals with the work of planning commissions in the subdivision and land development review process- from pre application meetings through project completion. Extensively revised in 2005, the course emphasizes the MPC as the source of authority to regulate development. Planning commissions have a central role play in the land development process which is an integral part of a community’s comprehensive planning program. New in the course are flexible design concepts and options for better project design.

Topics covered in the course include:
· Administering the review process
· Reviewing Plans
· Calculating impacts of development

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Call for Aspiring Future City Mentors: Mentorship Info Session April 18!

Photo: 2017 Future Cities Regional Winner: Lionville Middle School, Source:

If you are interested in becoming a Future City mentor for one of your local schools, or you would simply like to learn more about the program, please tune into our webinar on April 18 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Mike McAtee, an experienced mentor, will be making a detailed presentation. He will also be taking attendee questions toward the end.

The program also offers other great opportunities for professionals to get involved in their local community by volunteering as a judge, general volunteer, or steering committee member.

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April 13: Events Committee Meeting

Would you like to meet other Philadelphia-area planners? Would you like to organize events like walking tours, happy hours, or educational events related to planning? Then join the APAPASE Events Committee, and help us plan fun events! Our next meeting is Thursday, April 13, 2017 from 5:45 PM – 7:00 PM at Michael Baker, 1818 Market Street. Please RSVP so we have a list of names for security:

No special skills needed–we love all volunteers! You can help with any (or all) aspects of the event-planning process, from brainstorming event ideas, coordinating with venues, ordering food/beverages, inviting speakers, advertising/marketing events, working the registration table, speaking at events, and conducting event follow up. No worries if you’ve never done anything like this before–we’ll show you the ropes.

Join the APAPA Southeast Section Council

The Pennsylvania Chapter Southeast Section Council of the American Planning Association is accepting nominations for new Council members!

Interested in getting more involved?  Meeting other planners from the region?  Expanding our profession?

Self-nominations encouraged!

All nominations are due NO later than May 15.

Taking nominations for Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, 6-7 Professional Planners, and 2-3 Citizen Planners.

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Nominate Great Places In Pennsylvania


The PA Chapter of the American Planning Association recently kicked-off its 2017 Great Places in Pennsylvania Program.  Great Places are unique, memorable places where people want to be – not only to visit, but to live, work and/or play every day.  They serve as a model that other communities want to emulate – places of exemplary character, quality planning, identity, cultural interest and community involvement with a sustainable vision for the future.

Nominations are now open and seeking the nomination of Great Public Spaces and Great Streets. If you know a special public space or street that truly stands out in what it offers residents and visitors, NOMINATE IT!!!!

You can view the Program Guidelines, Category Criteria and Nomination Form on the APA PA website. The program flyer also contains links to the Program materials and the Nomination Form. The deadline for Nominations is April 18, 2017.

Great Places in PA 2017 Program Announcement Flyer

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Join QUE on Monday, March 13 and April 5!

Queer Urbanist Exchange (QUE) is invites you to join our monthly meet ups.

  • Monday, March 13 at Tavern on Camac (Tavern on Camac, 243 South Camac St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) at 5:30 pm. The event is listed on Facebook and Meetup.
  • Wednesday, April 5 at the Trestle Inn at 339 N 11th St, Philadelphia, PA 19107 at 5:30 pm. This session is done in conjunction with “Build the Rail Park” happy hour hosted by The Rail Park and Center City District. The event is listed on Facebook and Meetup.

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March 9: APAPA-SE Section Meeting

APA PA Southeast Section Council meeting
(held the second Thursday of every other month)
McCormick Taylor: 2001 Market Street, 10th Floor
Calling in?  Please use the following:
Toll free:  1-866-499-7054 
Conference code: 735 289 0020
Please direct any agenda topics and/or questions to

APAPA-SE to Match Donations in Memory of Matt Honea

Matt Honea received his Masters in City & Regional Planning from University of Pennsylvania.  He applied these skills to his passion of helping make his community better, including the Make the World Better Foundation (MTWB).

In his memory, the American Planning Association Pennsylvania Chapter Southeast Section (APAPASE) is offering to match any donations to the Matt Honea Memorial Fund, up to $500 before March 1st.  The Matt Honea Memorial Fund is part of the Make The World Better Foundation who work to rebuild parks in Philadelphia. The fund is to honor Matt’s legacy at Ralph Brooks Park, a park he truly loved.

When donating, please make sure you include “APAPASE” in the comments, so it is earmarked for the match.

Southeast Region AICP Exam Study Group Now Forming

Are you planning on taking the AICP exam this year?  Need a little motivation to help you study?  A study group is starting to form in the southeast region to work together to prepare for the exam. If you are interested in joining the study group, please email to add your name to the list.

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Speak on Planning for Diverse Communities

Have you ever wanted to share your planning experiences with others planner around the United States about your interaction with diverse communities? Do you plan on attending the 2017 APA Conference in NYC? If so, Diana Hasrouni would like to personally invite you to participate in the session “Cultural Competency in Planning” on Saturday, May 6th from 2:30-3:45 PM. In this interactive session, planners will be able to become the “Doctors/Experts,” while providing suggestions for other planners’ (the attendees) problems.

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