Archive for Tali Cantor

Oct. 24: Mentoring Program Kickoff at TRF

APAPASE and The Reinvestment Fund are pleased to kick off the 2013-2014 Mentor Program at a mixer held at the TRF office on Thursday, October 24.  This will be an opportunity for students and professionals who have been matched as mentees and mentors to meet each other as well as fellow program participants.

Professionals who are interested in learning more about the program and becoming a mentor this year are welcome to attend!

Event Details:
Thursday, October 24, 5:30-7pm
The Reinvestment Fund, 1700 Market Street

Light refreshments will be served.

RSVP required by October 21st:

(Students must be signed up for the 2013-2014 Mentor Program to attend)

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Looking for Mentors for Planning Students

For the sixth year, the American Planning Association of Southeast Pennsylvania (APAPA-SE) is launching a mentor program for professionals in the planning field and local city planning graduate students. The program will include students from the University of Pennsylvania and Temple University. This program has helped students learn about the array of planning jobs, day to day work responsibilities, and advice for navigating the job search.

If you are interested in signing up to be a mentor, please fill out this form and email your resume to by Sunday, September 22.

Mentors agree to be available 2-3 times throughout the year to meet with students on an informal basis and will have the opportunity to meet with mentees at events sponsored by the APAPASE. You do not have to be a member of APAPASE to be a mentor in the program and the specifics of meetings with your mentee are up to you.

Please contact Tali Cantor or Jeannette Brugger at with any questions.

Recap: Environmental Careers Roundtable Discussion

4.5 roundtable

On Friday, April 5 the APAPASE Mentoring Program held a professional roundtable discussion at PennDesign focused on Environmental Careers. Professional guests included Kathleen Grady, Director of Sustainability at Temple University, Chris Linn, Senior Environmental Planner at the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, and Emily Linn, Environmental Protection Specialist at U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The informal discussion was moderated Jeannette Brugger, Pedestrian, Bicycle and Open Space Planner at the Philadelphia City Planning Commission.

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