Archive for APAPA-SE

March 18 – Designing for Distance

Thu, Mar 18, 2021 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT

Recognizing that sometimes a picture speaks a thousand words, the goal of the Designing for Distance pilot program is to provide municipal leaders and the community revitalization organizations with practical designs, planning solutions, and implementation strategies to help their businesses adapt to the difficult circumstances created by COVID-19. Please join us to hear directly from the pilot communities and their selected firms to learn about their designs and implementation plan, and how your community can Design for Distance.

This project is a partnership between PA Historical Museum Commission and Pennsylvania Downtown Center.

The activity that is the subject of this program has been financed in part with Federal funds from the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior made available through the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. However, the contents and opinions do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of the Interior, nor does the mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Department of Interior.

March 17: Making Planning More Adaptable

March 17 @ 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm

Making Planning More Adaptable

Approved for 1.25 CM credits

With the complexities and uncertainties revealed in the pandemic and unrest of 2020, planning effectively for the next decade means being more adaptable. In this webinar, there will be discussion of the  three approaches to urban planning:  prescriptive, proscriptive and adaptive. The adaptive approach is best suited for times of rapid change and uncertainty. He will talk about how planners and organizations that rely on prescriptive and proscriptive strategies can modify their practice to be more adaptive.

This interactive webinar, with some coaching thrown in, will help you and your organization be better prepared to do more collaborative, culturally competent and cost-effective planning.  There will be an open and supportive conversations to help you and your organizations achieve more, more effectively.

Register Here

Featured Job Listing – DVRPC – Summer Internships

DVRPC has opened applications for summer internships! Internships are available for:

March 20: Virtual AICP Exam Prep Session

March 20 @ 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

The Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association is holding an all-day virtual AICP exam prep session on Saturday, March 20 from 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.

The session will review the content outline of the AICP exam, which APA recently updated, and provide details on the different content areas. The exam has been updated to reflect the new content outline, and the session will take time to clarify understanding of the revised exam. Questions are encouraged throughout the day.

Registration is required. Register here

March 3: Webinar Wednesdays – Planning with a Purpose and Need

March 3 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Planning with a Purpose…and Need: Connecting with PennDOT and FHWA to Build the Foundation for Sound  Transportation Projects

Sound transportation projects start with sound planning! Properly identifying and documenting transportation problems early in a project’s life cycle are key to developing a project’s purpose and need for NEPA documentation and analyses. Purpose and need serve as the foundation of a project and identify what the project is intended to accomplish and what transportation problems are to be addressed. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) through its recent PENNDOT Connects initiative and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) through its Planning and Environmental Linkages initiative, encourage early collaboration with planning partners and the use of information developed in planning, such as purpose and need, to inform the NEPA process. During this session PennDOT and FHWA specialists will share valuable tips and methods showing how planners can collaborate with them to better identify and document transportation problems/needs early during project planning. CM credit is pending approval.

Speaker: Scott Duncanson, Drew Ames, Nicole Auker and Barbara Shaffer

Deadline to register is Tuesday, March 2, 2021.

If you’re interested in sponsoring a Webinar Wednesday session or have a session for Webinar Wednesday please contact us. Send your request to

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March 5: Leadership for Sustainability: Strategies for Tackling Wicked Problems

Leadership for Sustainability: Strategies for Tackling Wicked Problems

Friday, March 5, at 1:00 p.m. EST

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March 10: APA TPD Happy Hour

Save the Date!

Join APA on Wednesday , March 10th for a joint happy hour with the
Transportation Planning Division (TPD)

When: March 10, 2021 06:00 PM Central Time
Where: Register in advance for this meeting using the link below

The Happy Hour event will be conducted over Zoom. If you do not already have an account with Zoom, you will need to create a free Zoom login to participate.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

March 3 & 10: FitCityPHL – Design for Humanity

FitCityPHL presents Design for Humanity: Reimagining Trauma-Informed Practice, Power, and Process in Pursuit of a Just Future. This event consists of two online sessions.

This two-part virtual series will explore trauma-informed practice and how elements can be useful to the work of designers, planners, public health professionals, and those supporting community development.

Session 1: Wednesday, March 3, 2021 10am-12pm
Explore trauma-informed practice and how elements can be useful to your work in design or public health. Consider how alternate power dynamics and project processes can help to achieve a more just future for all.

Session 2: Wednesday, March 10, 2021 10am-11:30am
Hear from a phenomenal group of practitioners from across the country who are applying trauma-informed theory to their community-based work.

March 30: Chester County 2021 Spring Planners’ Forum

Register here

8 AM to 10 AM, March 30

The Planners’ Forum will be held from 8 am to 10 am on Tuesday, March 30th. From 8:00 am to 8:30 am, there will be a networking session, where people joining the meeting will be put into breakout rooms to meet other planners.

Presentations will begin at 8:30 am and will include perspectives on the critical question “What will be the long term impacts of the pandemic?” from the following three speakers:

• Becky Bradley, AICP, Executive Director Lehigh Valley Planning Commission
• Robert Henry, TDM-CP, Executive Director Greater Valley Forge Transportation
• Dorothy Ives Dewey, PhD, AICP, PP, Planning Program Administrator West Chester University

After the presentations conclude at 9:30 am, attendees can stay on the call to ask additional questions and connect with anyone else who is participating.

The Planners’ Forum provides a great opportunity to hear about current planning issues and share ideas with fellow planners. Email any questions to

March 2&3, and 4&5: Economy League Well City Challenge Pitch Competition

Research shows that millennials–those born between 1981 and 1996–are suffering from more physical and mental health challenges than previous generations. Millennials are the largest population in the U.S., the most educated, and the largest wealth generators over the next two decades – yet they are in poorer health than previous generations. Blue Cross Blue Shield Association’s 2019 The Health of Millennials Report found that eight out of 10 top conditions have double-digit increases among millennials and 6 out of 10 are behavioral health conditions. How we handle millennial health and mental health challenges could make or break the economy.   

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