Archive for Christina Arlt

Feb. 24: APAPA-SE Emerging Professionals Committee Meeting

Are you a planning student, emerging professional, or planner new to the profession? Do you like to organize events like walking tours, happy hours, and educational events related to planning? Then join the APAPA-SE Emerging Professionals Committee!

We will be meeting on Monday, 2/24 from 6:30pm – 8:00pm at The Coffee Bar (1701 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103). Please RSVP here if you are able to attend.

Feb. 19: Managing Complex Relationships in Planning (1.5 CM credits)

Planning commissioners and planners are often at the crux of intersecting values, demands, and viewpoints and finding the means to keep moving forward (and remain personally balanced) can be a challenge. Gain insight into managing varied and complex working relationships—political, professional, personal, and role-related. The experienced panel shares insights into managing different personalities and maintaining a vision through difficult circumstances. This program is suitable for planning commissioners and planners.

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Feb. 7: Open Access Philly talks at SEPTA

Open Access Philly is a network of passionate, engaged and active Philadelphia citizens, who value civic participation and innovation, free information flow, digital inclusion, and info tech growth. Every month they get together for a series of short talks followed by networking and drinks. The next Convening will take place on Feb. 7th at 4PM at SEPTA, 1234 Market Street. Rumor has it there will be a tour of the SEPTA Control Room afterwards. Register here.


Michael Zaleski, Director of Emerging & Special Technology, SEPTA (Host)
Michelle Feldman, Director of Keep Philadelphia Beautiful
Maari Porter, Chief Grants Officer, City of Philadelphia
Moira Baylson, Chief Operating Officer, Next City
Jay Chakrapani, President, CK-12 Foundation (just added)

Feb. 12: Transportation Trivia!

Young Professionals in Transportation (YPT) is hosting a Transportation Trivia night at Field House in Center City on Wednesday, February 12 from 5-8pm. The event will feature a cash bar with drink specials. Register here.

YPT provides professional development, fellowship, and networking opportunities for young professionals in the transportation field across the country and around the world. In Philadelphia, we seek to build relationships across transportation industries, our allied professions, and the region’s transportation students.

Feb. 1: PlanningCamp!


PlanningCamp is an unconference about technology and the future of urban planning.

Join us on February 1st if you’re working at the intersection of technology and the hard effort of making better cities — on the technology side, or the planning side, or a bit of both.

Spend a day in sessions led by your peers, exploring new and old challenges. Whether you’re thinking about the role technology in public involvement, increasing equity, modeling, analysis, community organizing, at local to regional scales, PlanningCamp will be an opportunity to go deep into conversations and form new connections.

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Bikeshare Webinars: January, February and March

In partnership with the Bicycle Coalition and PEC, DVRPC will be hosting three bikeshare webinars in 2014, each worth 1.5 AICP CM credits.

Funding Bikeshare Transit Systems
Wednesday, January 8 | 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. ET

Institutionalizing Bikeshare Transit Systems
Wednesday, February 5 | 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. ET

The Future of Bikeshare Transit Systems
Wednesday, March 5 | 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. ET

Please RSVP to Greg Krykewycz ( if you would like to attend. DVRPC’s address is 190 N. Independence Mall West, 8th Floor Main Conference Room, Philadelphia, PA 19106. The building is on the corner of 6th and Race and says “American College of Physicians” on the front. Directions and parking information is available at

Nov. 26: Emerging Professionals Committee Meeting

Are you a planning student, emerging professional, or planner new to the profession? Do you like to organize events like walking tours, happy hours, and educational events related to planning? Then join the APAPA-SE Emerging Professionals Committee! We’ll be meeting at DVRPC on Tuesday, November 26 to discuss events for 2014. We’ll be in Conference Room C on the 8th Floor. We will also have a call-in code for those who are unable to attend in person. Please RSVP so we can provide a list of names to security:

Dec. 6: Creating More Effective Signs for Your Community

Has your community or neighborhood struggled with signage that doesn’t match the character the surrounding area? Learn the nuts and bolts of good signage and what it takes to create a good sign ordinance and signage system at DVRPC’s December Strategies for Older Suburbs Roundtable event!

Create More Effective Signs for Your Community (2.5 CM pending)

Friday, December 6, 2013
9:00 am – 11:30 am

Breakfast will be provided
Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
8th Floor | ACP Building
190 N. Independence Mall West | Philadelphia, PA 19106

Please RSVP by Wednesday, December 4 to

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Oct. 29: Trash Talk: Recycling, Composting, and Disposing in Philly


The average American generates 4.5 pounds of trash a day with enormous environmental consequences. Learn how you can be a part of the solution at this event all about being green in Philadelphia!

Join YIP and Keep Philadelphia Beautiful to learn about how the City of Philadelphia, private industry, and non-profits are working together to move our city towards more sustainable waste disposal practices and systems — and gain valuable insight into how you can be a part of the solution.

Event Details:
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
6-8 pm
150 N. 6th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106

Registration Link:

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Oct. 24: DVRPC Regional Student Forum on Philly Planning History


The DVRPC Regional Student Forum is an opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to come together to discuss planning issues, career development, and other topics of interest. The next DVRPC Regional Student Forum will take place on:

Thursday, October 24, 2013

3:00 PM-5:00 P.M.

Philadelphia History Museum

15 South 7th Street

Philadelphia, PA 19106

Topic: Urban Planning in Philadelphia’s History

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