Tag Archive for students

Apply for Philadelphia Citizen Planning Institute!

CPI photoCitizens Planning Institute (CPI) will be accepting applications for the Fall 2016 course from August 22nd – September 19th. This seven-week course empowers citizens to take a more effective and active role in shaping the future of their neighborhoods and of Philadelphia through a greater understanding of city planning and the steps involved in development projects.

Special topics this session include community engagement 101, historic preservation, and urban agriculture and food access.

Classes are held on Wednesday evenings October 5th – November 16th from 6-9pm at 1515 Arch Street in Center City.

See the 2016 fall CPI Flyer or visit CPI’s new website: www.citizensplanninginstitute.org for applications and more information. Contact 215-683-4648 or cpi@phila.gov with any questions or to request a hard copy of the application.

EarthFest 2016 Recap – Youth Engagement and Planning


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Over 200 curious young visitors stopped by the APAPA-SE activity booth at Temple University’s EarthFest 2016 on April 22nd.  An annual event at the Ambler Campus, EarthFest promotes environmental awareness to elementary and middle school students from across the region.  Continuing a multi-year tradition, APAPA-SE hosted a booth to support the effort.  This year, our four volunteers engaged students in two planning activities – one related to transportation and the other land use – to give them a very basic idea of what planners do on a regular basis.

The transportation-related activity had students placing stickers to indicate whether they walk, bike, drive, or take the bus to get to school, visit friends/family, visit park/playgrounds, and go shopping. While not exactly scientific, this informal survey had over 230 responses and provided some interesting results (see the tally we put together and feel free to draw your own conclusions). Overall, the kids were really excited about the activity – especially the stickers – and it got them thinking about the pros and cons of how they travel, both for their own personal health and the health of the environment.
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Volunteers Needed for EarthFest 2016 on April 22


EarthFest 2016

Continuing a multi-year tradition, APAPA-SE will be hosting a booth at Temple’s EarthFest with educational materials and activities related to the planning profession.  We are looking for volunteers to help staff an interactive booth.  Volunteers can sign up for the full event, a portion of the event, or even just the setup period (begins around 8:00 AM).  It is a great opportunity to share our profession with local students while spending the day outside in a festival atmosphere!  No need to be a Temple alumni or student (although they are certainly welcome).

If you are interested in volunteering or have any questions about the event, please contact John Federico at jefederico@urbanengineers.com.

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Call for Papers: 2016 John Pickett Memorial Scholarship Awards



APAPASE is looking for Graduate School program papers (individual and group) about topics and issues relevant to the Delaware Valley Region. Eligible papers can address contemporary planning-related topics, such as sustainability, Smart Growth, and energy planning, and include methods for achieving implementation. Papers must be generated through graduate level studios and/or class/course assignments.

Click here for more details.

Summer of Maps Returns

Azavea’s Summer Of Maps is back – Got data? Need someone to map it? Summer of Maps is a three-month long fellowship giving student GIS analysts the opportunity to perform geospatial data analysis for local and national non-profit organizations. The deadline for non-profit project submissions is February 7, 2016. Check it out HERE.

Future City Philadelphia – Mentors and Volunteers Needed

It’s that time of year again.  Hopefully everyone had a great summer.  I can’t believe it’s over!   The school year is off to a great start.  To date 43  schools have signed up and have started designing their cities of the future.

Our greatest need at this stage of the competition is for mentors. Each school is assigned a mentor to work with the students and share their real world experiences to help them develop their future city.   Just 1 or 2 hours a week can make a big difference in how students approach their project and how they start to address it.  The following is a the current list of schools that need mentors:

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Call for Submissions: Scholarship Awards for Vacant Property Papers

The Vacant Property Research Network (VPRN) is pleased to announce its second annual scholarship competition for two masters students whose research contributes to new knowledge and practice around vacant properties.

Masters Scholarship Awards ($250) will be granted to two students enrolled in a masters degree program during 2015. Winners will be selected from the submission of a single-authored paper (12-30 pages in length) on a “vacant property” topic, which includes everything from deindustrialized landscapes, distressed cities, and shrinking regions to land banks, code enforcement strategies, and housing courts. Submissions may be refined term papers, practicum reports, or thesis chapters. Preference will be given to fully developed papers that demonstrate excellence and innovation in knowledge, research and/or practice about land change. Winners will be invited to participate in an upcoming VPRN-sponsored session at a national conference and may be eligible for travel or registration support.

For details on the application process and eligibility, please visit:


2015 Scholarship Awards Call for Papers

Papers written during the 2014/2015 school year MUST be submitted electronically as a PDF to the APAPASE Education Committee at scholarships@apapase.org by Friday, June 5th at 5pm.
APAPASE is looking for Graduate School program papers (individual and group) about topics and issues relevant to the Delaware Valley Region. Eligible papers can address contemporary planning-related topics, such as sustainability, Smart Growth, and energy planning, and include methods for achieving implementation. Papers must be generated through graduate level studios and/or class/course assignments.

Starting This Week: APA Mentoring Program Lunch Series!

Join other planning graduate student at the APA Mentoring Program Lunch Series. This lunch series will feature professionals from a variety of planning fields with a discussion on their work and careers in the field.

Date & Time:   Tuesdays at 12:15PM

Location:          Meyerson Hall, Room B6

PennDesign, 210 S 34th Street

Pizza will be served!

For more information, please contact planningmentorpa@gmail.com

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Feb. 23: APAPA-SE ​Awards Happy Hour Event

happy hour event flyer

APA PA SEAwards Happy Hour Event

​Monday, February 23rd

The Lodge at Waterfront Winterfest
101 S. Columbus Blvd

Join other Philadelphia area city planners as we celebrate the accomplishments of our 2014 Student Scholarship Award Winners, and plan for a bright 2015!

(skate rental not included)


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