Tag Archive for events

Field Trip!: APA Prez in Bethesda

Vibrant Streets Learning Lab
April 29 & 30, 2013
Bethesda, MD
6 CMs, $325

You can’t learn about what makes a Vibrant Street work in a conference room. From speaker sessions in the Row’s Arts Theater to walking tours to dining in Bethesda’s restaurants and wine bar, this Learning Lab will send you home with an authentic Vibrant Street experience. More importantly, you will return to your community with an ACTION PLAN you have crafted with our Vibrant Streets specialists.

Attendees will learn from presenters about current Vibrant Streets best practices and the future of Vibrant Streets around the world, land banking for retail redevelopment, creating a pop-up gallery space through the ArtPlace program, creating a temporary retail district, how communities can collect data through an app called LocalData, how existing suburban developments can be redesigned into more urban and more sustainable places, and how a foundation works with a community and the American Sign Museum to create effective and creative district branding.

Mitchell Silver, AICP and current APA President will be one of the instructors for the Learning Lab.


For full details and to register:  http://www.vibrantstreets.com/learninglab/

May 22: Land Use Planning Matters: Planning for Disaster Resilient Communities

The PA Chapter of the American Planning Association and the PA Local Government Training Partnership are cosponsoring training on planning for disaster resilient communities.  There are six training sessions statewide, kicking off with a session at the new Chester County Public Safety Training Campus on May 22nd.

As natural and man-made events teach us over and over, it’s too risky NOT to consider hazard mitigation and disaster resiliency, especially with hazard mitigation being an essential component of site planning, comprehensive planning, stormwater management and numerous other planning practices.  Building resilient communities is not just a product of emergency management and emergency services personnel, but also a responsibility of planners as they assist communities with comprehensive planning and development of and updates to zoning and subdivision and land development ordinances.  The session will cover details on creating a hazard mitigation plan as well as review how to incorporate emergency management and emergency services planning in other municipal plans and ordinances.  A key concept of the training will be how to ensure that land use and community planners and emergency management personnel/emergency responders are coordinating their efforts.

The training will use Pennsylvania specific case studies and examples to convey relevant information to attendees.  The presenters will review tools, resources, and guidance provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency to help you match resources to their challenges.  The target audience for this training session includes professional planners and elected officials, municipal staff, emergency management personnel, and citizen planners who are well-versed in planning and seeking advanced information on hazard mitigation planning and emergency management to improve the safety and resiliency of residents and business for current and future hazard risks. There will be ample opportunities for Q&A.


Please see the brochure for details or the PA Chapter website for full details and registration:  http://planningpa.org/news/land-use-planning-matters/

May 8 PDI: Choosing the Renewable Energy Frameworks that Work for Your Community

Interested in creating a renewable energy ordinance for your community?


Register for the 5/8 PDI: Choosing the Renewable Energy Frameworks that Work for Your Community at http://energyframeworks.eventbrite.com/

Join a panel of local experts who will provide an overview of considerations for developing a renewable energy ordinance for solar, small-wind, and geothermal energy systems in Pennsylvania.  An overview of Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission’s (DVRPC’s) Renewable Energy Ordinance Frameworks, which include a menu of permissive and restrictive ordinance language options; accompanied by explanatory guidance on the barriers, benefits and cautions for adopting language will be provided. Additionally, panelists will address the key issues surrounding the regulation of each type of renewable energy system at the municipal level.

This session is a part of the 2013 Greenbuild Challenge

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

8:30 (registration & breakfast)
8:45 to 12 noon (program)

Register by Monday May 6, 2013
$25 for APA-PA members & students, $30 for APA members (not PA Chapter), $35 for nonmembers
3 AICP CM Credits pending approval

At the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC), 190 North Independence Mall West – 8th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106-1520

Webinar option: If you are not able to make it in person, we are working to provide a webinar option at the same price. Simply select “yes” to the “Are you interested in attending this event as a webinar?” question after selecting your ticket price.  Webinar log in information will be sent to you by Tuesday May, 7.

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April 14: Emerging Professionals Meeting

Are you a planner who has graduated from planning school but is relatively new to the profession? Have you recently transitioned to a career in planning and are looking for ways to get involved? Join the APAPASE Emerging Professionals Committee! We plan events that are of interest to “emerging planners,” including happy hours, tours, book groups, workshops, and trainings. Our next committee meeting will be on Sunday, April 14, 2013 at 4:30pm at Old City Coffee Company (221 Church Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106). Join us!

April 5: Community Marketplace: Investing in the Delaware Valley’s Downtowns

Delaware Valley Smart Growth Alliance (DVSGA) presents “Community Marketplace: Investing in the Delaware Valley’s Downtowns”

Friday, April 5, 2013, 7:45 am to 11:30 am

PECO, Energy Hall, 2301 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA


Register at: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=lfsiqshab&oeidk=a07e71bbo4p2b3d3b2c

Private Sector:   $40     /    Public Sector:  $25    /   Student: $10

Registration closes Wednesday, April 3, 2013.


Finding the right development properties and partners is a real challenge. The Community Marketplace will highlight 14 transit-oriented communities with redevelopment opportunities. Join builders, developers, investors, realtors, architects, engineers and economic development professionals to learn about these great places and how to leverage the right partnerships for success.

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April 5: Planning Movie Night and Environmental Planning Career Roundtable at PennDesign


PennDesign Student Council partnered with the APAPA-SE Mentoring Program on a planning movie night on April 5, 2013 at 8pm in the Meyerson Hall Lower Gallery. Promised Land, with Matt Damon and John Krasinski, about fracking in a rural Pennsylvania town.

This is an ideal event for mentors to get together with students and refreshments will be served. For the students, there will also be an Environmental Career Roundtable at 6:30pm in Meyerson B7 to coordinate with the movie subject. Representatives from the Delaware Regional Planning Commission, US Environmental Protection Agency, and Temple University Office of Sustainability will discuss environmental planning in the real world with planning students.

We hope to see you there! Please contact Lauren Trice at planningmentorpa@gmail.com with any questions.

Download: PromisedLand_MentorsFlyer

March 8: Strategies for Older Suburbs Roundtable Series

Given the nation’s economic climate and looming fiscal constraints, many of us are looking for creative solutions to our communities’ problems. This Roundtable series, designed exclusively by and for Greater Philadelphia’s community and economic development professionals, invites you to share your challenges, bring your good ideas, and brainstorm answers to your colleagues’ tough questions.

The Roundtable is an in-person forum that harnesses the experience of our region’s community and economic development practitioners to improve Greater Philadelphia’s great places! While a guest speaker will kick-off each meeting, participants will shape the discussion.

Join us for our next Roundtable discussion on various strategies on how to engage local businesses and build a more unified downtown. Topics of discussion will include outreach strategies, incentives for businesses, and overall strategies for downtown businesses. David Rucki of DMR Consulting Solutions will lead the roundtable discussion.

Engaging Local Businesses to Build a Unified Downtown

David Rucki, DMR Consulting Solutions

Friday, March 8, 2013


Breakfast at 8:30 am; Program from 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission

8th Floor | ACP Building

190 N. Independence Mall West | Philadelphia, PA 19106



Please RSVP to Karen P. Cilurso, Senior Regional Planner, [ Kpcilurso@dvrpc.org]

March 14: Improving Connectivity

Registration is now open for the Improving Connectivity and System Function Through Local Planning seminar on March 14th at the Arcadia University King of Prussia Campus. The seminar is hosted by GVF in partnership with Parsons Brinckerhoff and the PA Chapter of the American Planning Association.  Two CM credits are available for attending!  Costs is only $15.  Registration is from 8 to 8:30AM and program is from 8:30 to 10:30AM.

PennDOT’s new handbook on “Improving Connectivity and System Function through Local Planning” provides guidance to municipalities on how to enhance vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian connectivity. This training offers an overview of the handbook and includes strategies to effectively regulate and manage a connected transportation network within a community including a review of connectivity index calculations and model ordinance language.

See attached flyer for more information.  You can register here http://tinyurl.com/connectivity-seminar

Download: improving_connectivity_flyer(1)

Feb. 13: Fracking and Resource Extraction and Community Planning

Fracking and Resource Extraction and Community Planning (1.5 CM credits)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013, 3:30PM – 5:30PM

DVRPC, 190 N. Independence Mall West, 8th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106

Tickets are free, but you must reserve a spot at http://dvrpc.ticketleap.com/fracking/

Join DVRPC to view APA’s upcoming national webinar, Fracking and Resource Extraction and Community Planning. As America turns inward to develop energy sources and extract natural resources for local production, communities are facing major issues, including economic, environmental, housing, and social challenges. How are communities planning for this new era of resource extraction and how are they responding to new pressures on local resources? Examine the issue from multiple perspectives and examine innovative solutions.

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Feb. 23: PA Land Use Institute

The PA Land Use Institute is hosting its annual session on Saturday February 23, 2013.  The training includes two hours of updates on recent court cases specific to Pennsylvania and a 90 minute session from FEMA on floodplain management.  The session will be held at the Berks County Agricultural Center in Leesport.  Registration information can be downloaded.  The registration deadline is February 18th.

Download: 43076_GC_PS_NTOASLU_FEB13_rev