Photo: 2018 Future City Regional Winner: Queen of Angels Regional Catholic School, Source: futurecityphilly.org
Please tune into our webinar on July 19 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. if you are interested in becoming a Future City mentor for the 2018-2019 school year at one of your local schools. Mike McAtee, the Future City Philadelphia Mentor Coordinator, will give a presentation and take participants’ questions at the end.
The Future City program offers a variety of volunteer opportunities to get involved with students in your local community. This webinar will help you understand if you are ready to be a mentor, judge, or a general volunteer for the 2019 Future City Philadelphia Regional Competition.
The Philadelphia Regional Future City Competition is a 501 (c)3 educational outreach program of DiscoverE. It is one of 41 regional programs conducted throughout the country. Future City is an inspiring program that helps introduce 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students to the engineering, architecture, and planning professions. Participating STEM teams across the country compete once a year in a regional competition in January. Finalists then proceed to present their projects at the National Competition during National Engineers Week in February in Washington, D.C.
The competition requires participating teams from schools and youth-focused organizations (e.g., Boy or Girl Scouts, Boys and Girls Clubs, 4-H, YMCA STEM clubs) to create their own future city, based on project criteria and guidelines for that year. Students are encouraged to prepare a variety of deliverables, including a project plan, tabletop-scale model, and virtual city, under the supervision and assistance of a teacher and mentor. Mentors should be professionals in the fields of engineering, planning, and architecture interested in investing time and energy in helping students realize their projects. For more information visit: http://futurecityphilly.org/.
Sign up at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/future-city-mentor-info-webinar-tickets-47650342457. Registrants through Eventbrite will be emailed webinar log in information to their registration email. We look forward to your participation!
CM Credits for Pro Bono Planning Service
AICP members can obtain up to eight CM Credits for Pro Bono Planning Service, including volunteering time with the APA PA SE Council or a committee as outlined on the APA National website at https://www.planning.org/cm/logging/selfreport/probono.