Submit by 4/29: Spring 2022 Student Paper Award Program

APAPASE is looking for Graduate School students in Planning and related fields to submit technical papers (written by individuals or pairs) that address contemporary planning-related topics and issues, including but not limited to sustainability, Smart Growth, transportation, and energy planning. Papers may be generated through graduate-level classes/course assignments. Recognition from APAPASE through this Award Program provides an honor to include on your resume as well as a monetary reward that can help defray the costs of your academic coursework.

Papers that were written during the 2020/2021 OR 2021/2022 school year are eligible. The maximum page length of eligible papers is 50 pages. Applicants are permitted to revise original work based on instructor feedback and/or to correct spelling, grammar, or typological errors prior to submission. 

Papers will be evaluated by these criteria:

  • Subject quality and originality
  • Paper structure
  • Technical writing
  • Thoroughness of research
  • Analysis and conclusions

APAPASE will present monetary rewards for the top three reviewed papers at the following levels: 

  • $200 for First Prize
  • $150 for Second Prize 
  • $100 for Third Prize

Winning papers will be announced in June on the APAPASE Website ( and social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn). Checks will be mailed to winners.

Please submit entries electronically as a PDF to the APAPASE Education Committee at by 5:00 PM on Friday, April 29, 2022. Please include your name, email, and phone number as well as the name of the course for which the work was produced and the date which it was originally submitted in the email with your entry.

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