States expand COVID-19 response

*This information originally appeared in an APA newsletter*

Unpacking federal relief legislation
The federal government finished its work late last week on the third phase of coronavirus economic relief for the country — and the first (but likely not the last) for communities.
$150 billion in relief funding for states and localities, $25 billion in emergency funding for public transportation agencies, $5 billion in new CDBG funding and $4 billion in homeless assistance grants, and support for the municipal bond market are among the provisions included in the CARES Act that will provide critical support to planners as you respond to and recover immediate challenges.
APA Policy Director Jason Jordan detailed these provisions, answered your questions, and outlined the legislative and regulatory road ahead in this rapid response briefing.
Examining the states’ responses to COVID-19 
Federal action gives states an important role in the flow of resources to local communities. Amidst the federal activity, governors and legislators are continuing to respond to COVID-19 through a series of executive orders and proposed legislation.
What are states doing to ensure that communities – and planners – have what they need to weather and adapt to this rapidly changing environment? APA Senior State Government Affairs Associate Catherine Hinshaw outlines the state of the states.

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