Volunteer for Future City Philadelphia Competition!

Attention Planners!  The Future City Philadelphia competition is underway.  Who better to volunteer than professional city planners?  This is a great opportunity to introduce middle school students to city planning principles and careers in the industry.

The theme of this year’s competition is Above the Current. The students’ challenge is to design a floating city and provide two innovative examples of how their floating city works and keeps its citizens healthy and safe.

You can volunteer several ways – as a mentor, an essay judge, a presentation judge, a special awards evaluator, a photographer, or general support during the competition.

Student teams are working on their models and essays right now, and the competition is set for January 18 at Archbishop Carroll High School in Radnor.  It’s not too late!  Sign up to volunteer at www.futurecityphilly.org/fcvolops.html.  If you have questions, contact Matthew Edmond, APAPASE Secretary, at Matthew.Edmond@montgomerycountypa.gov.


Movie Night Recap

On December 5th, with assistance from Jeff Doshna and Temple University’s City and Regional Planning program, APAPASE presented 3 rare vintage films by Ed Bacon. The films which were part of Bacon’s book, Design of Cites, and focused on the urban design of American cites as well as Rome and Paris.

Eight Temple grads and WCU students braved the cold to attend and network. An interesting portion of the film was Bacon’s plan for the Gallery in Center City, which is often viewed as an unsuccessful part of his legacy.

Movie Night December 5th

Date: December 5th from 6-8pm
Location: Temple University Room 103 in the Architecture Building – entrance on N. 13th Street between W. Norris and Diamond Streets

Soda and popcorn will be provided. There will be time for networking after the movies.
  • The American Urban Experience – 1970s discussion of American cities issues, challenges, and design.
  • Design of Rome – focuses on the design of Rome including its nodes and axes. Bacon walks along the axes from the major churches and plazas in the city and shows how the city is designed.
Please register early as there is a 40-person capacity limit. Register Here

Please contact the Events Committee Co-Chairs if you have any questions: Danielle A. Baer, AICP at dabaer@urbanengineers.com or Lorianne DeFalco, AICP at ldefalco@akrf.com

2024 Annual Event Recap

Our APA-PA Southeast Section Annual Event on November 7th at DesignPhiladelphia was a huge success! The room was spacious, conversation was flowing, and guests were mingling! The panelists were informative, and students and professionals networked amongst each other. Guests enjoyed hors d’oeuvres and a housing-themed playlist!
Thank you to everyone who came out to spend the evening with us! We reached over 50 attendees! It was great to see so many of you come out to network and learn how planners can be part of the solution to the housing crisis locally and nationally.
We look forward to continuing to expand our reach in bringing together state and local leaders in planning, students, and other related professionals. Special thanks to Leah Eppinger, AICP, Vincent Reina, Emily Dowdall, Milton Pratt Jr., and Rebecca Ross, AICP for speaking about the future of housing in Southeast Pennsylvania!

We also want to send a warm Thank You to our gracious Sponsors for helping us to host the event!


  • Traffic Plan logo
  • DVRPC logo
  • WSP logo
  • Tyler School of Art at Temple logo
  • Kennedy and Assoc. logo
  • UPenn Logo

Dec. 11: DVRPC Presents – Adapting to Changes in the Retail Banking Industry (1.25 CM)

Dec 11, 2024 02:00 PM
Brick-and-mortar bank branches are closing at high rates across the country, due to changing consumer habits, and a national shift in the retail banking industry known as the “Great Consolidation.” As detailed in DVRPC’s recent report, The Great Consolidation: Community Banking Decline in Greater Philadelphia, between 2012 and 2022, 405 branches closed in our region alone. This equated to a loss of 22.4 percent of the region’s bank branches.
This trend has implications for everything from household finances and small business growth, to the future of the workforce.
Join DVRPC and a panel of experts on December 11 as we discuss the Great Consolidation, and how to anticipate and adapt to impacts of the changing retail banking industry.
The panelists are:
  • Alaina Barca, Community Development Research Analyst, The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia will discuss her work on defining and mapping the region’s banking deserts.
  • Varsovia Fernandez, Chief Executive Officer, PA CDFI Network will share her expertise on the roles that Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) play in helping unbanked and underbanked populations access important financial services.
  • Karen Sweeney, Executive Vice President, Chief People Officer, TruMark Financial Credit Union will explain what types of skills will be needed in the banking workforce of the future, and the steps that TruMark Financial Credit Union is taking now to plan for that future.

Call for Volunteers – Help Develop ASCE Report Card!

2026 ASCE Pennsylvania Infrastructure Report Card Effort to Begin

The four Sections of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in Pennsylvania will be undertaking their combined effort to create and produce the 2026 Report Card on the Commonwealth’s infrastructure in early 2025.  The Report Card is issued every four years by the ASCE Pennsylvania State Council to provide a snapshot of our built environment and 2026 will mark the sixth such time this document has been produced.  ASCE National also produces a Report Card on the nation’s infrastructure conditions and the next release for this document will be in 2025.

The PA Council’s Report Card Committee handles the research and document review necessary to document background information and conditions for development of the grades and backup/support materials.  For the 2022 Report Card, a team of over 75 engineers and representatives of related professions volunteered their time to collect and analyze data, prepare and present their findings for the Report Card.  Background information was gathered for each of the 15 categories evaluated, which included reports, studies, surveys, financial programs, budgets, and related research materials from professional societies, non-profit associations, and local, state and federal agencies.

The grades are developed in the simple A to F school report card format, assigning letter grades based on criteria that includes capacity, condition, funding, future need, operation and maintenance, public safety, resilience and innovation.  The grades are based on current baseline conditions and represent an evaluation of the current state of the physical infrastructure itself.  The grades are not meant to be a reflection on the agencies responsible for the infrastructure being graded, which are often working with limited resources.

The Report Card has proven to be a successful method of getting the message across on infrastructure conditions and needs and has been effectively used in the press and by elected officials.

The categories that were evaluated in 2022 are Aviation, Bridges, Dams, Drinking Water, Energy, Hazardous Waste, Levees, Ports, Public Parks, Rail, Roads, Solid Waste, Stormwater, Transit and Wastewater.  We anticipate that at least one additional area, Inland Waterways, will be included in the 2026 effort.  More information on this can be found at Pennsylvania Infrastructure | ASCE’s 2021 Infrastructure Report Card.

The ASCE PA Council will begin enlisting volunteers for assistance with the category evaluation effort in early 2025.  If you have an interest in being part of the Report Card effort, or you would like to obtain additional information/have questions on this, please contact PA Council Vice Chair Bob Wright (rwright@bowman.com).  You do not have to be an engineer or a member of ASCE to participate in this effort.

Registration Closed for Annual Event – Movie Night December 5th!

Date: December 5th from 6-8pm
Location: Temple University Room 103 in the Architecture Building – entrance on N. 13th Street between W. Norris and Diamond Streets

Registration is now closed for our Annual Event on November 7th as we have reached our maximum number of attendees. We appreciate everyone’s support in making this a great turnout!

We hope to see you at our Ed Bacon movie night on December 5th from 6-8pm! It will be held at Temple University Room 103 in the Architecture Building (entrance on N. 13th Street between W. Norris and Diamond Streets). Soda and popcorn will be provided. Stay tuned for more details!

  • The American Urban Experience – 1970s discussion of American cities issues, challenges, and design.
  • Design of Rome – focuses on the design of Rome including its nodes and axes. Bacon walks along the axes from the major churches and plazas in the city and shows how the city is designed.

Please contact the Events Committee Co-Chairs if you have any questions: Danielle A. Baer, AICP at dabaer@urbanengineers.com or Lorianne DeFalco, AICP at ldefalco@akrf.com


Featured Job Listing – WSP – Lead Transportation Planner

WSP is looking for a Lead Transportation Planner in their Philadelphia office! Click here for the full job announcement.

Nov. 7 – APAPASE Annual Event!

Please join us for APAPASE’s 2024 Annual Event!

Tickets are available here.

Thursday, November 7, 2024
5:30 – 8 PM
at Center for DesignPhiladelphia
1218 Arch Street, Philadelphia

The theme of this year’s annual event is The Future of Housing: Planning, Development, and Zoning Solutions in SE Pennsylvania! Come hear from our expert panel and learn how planners can be part of the solution to the housing crisis, nationally and locally. We intend to offer CM credits (stay tuned!).

This is a great opportunity for networking and socializing with planners, students, and other related professionals.
This year’s ticket includes an open bar, passed hors d’oeuvres, and more!

Center for DesignPhiladelphia is located two blocks north of Market Street, between N. 12th and N. 13th Streets, with easy access to highways and transit.

Please contact the Events Committee Co-Chairs if you have any questions: Danielle A. Baer, AICP at dabaer@urbanengineers.com or Lorianne DeFalco, AICP at ldefalco@akrf.com

Nov. 4: Temple Graduate Open House

Temple University Tyler School of Art & Architecture Graduate Open House
City Planning, Nov 4, 4:30 PM

Tyler School of Art and Architecture Admissions is thrilled to offer this year’s Graduate Admissions Information Week from November 4th to November 8th, 2024!

Register below for a specific information session to learn more about Tyler’s graduate programs and hear directly from our esteemed faculty. Once registered, admissions will follow up with the location/zoom details! If you have any questions, please contact tyleradmissions@temple.edu or call us at 215-777-9090!