The Delaware County Planning Department would like to formally invite you to the first of three of workshops on Placemaking titled Placemaking Part One: Identifying Your Community’s’ Strengths to be held at 9:00 am on Thursday March 21st, 2019, at the Springfield Township Municipal Building. It is geared towards municipal planners, leaders, elected officials, and the movers-and-shakers of your community.
Are you looking to energize your town? Placemaking Part One brings together speakers from across the region to share their experiences in creating placemaking projects from the ground up and to express the impact such projects have made on local communities. Following the presentations, local placemaking experts will lead a hands-on workshop to help communities identify their strengths to help build their brand. The event will conclude with a light networking lunch which will allow community leaders to further collaborate and ask more questions about placemaking.
Community leaders participating in this event will come away with a clear comprehension of placemaking, a better understanding of their communities’ strengths, and ideas on how to utilize their strengths to implement successful placemaking projects that are unique to their town. This event is geared toward elected officials, municipal staff, professional planners and economic development officials, and non-profit leaders looking to make a lasting impact on their community. To take the first step toward reinvigorating your community through placemaking, register here: