June 12 – DVRPC’s Information Resources Exchange Group Meeting

The 111thmeeting of the Information Resources Exchange Group (IREG) is scheduled for:WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 2019 (10 am to 12) at:

The ACP Building, 8th Floor
190 North Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA 19106

Coffee will be available at 9:45 am.

Lunch will be served following the meeting.

You are invited to attend the next quarterly meeting of the Information Resources Exchange Group. Come early to meet other committee members and discuss your current projects while expanding your professional network.

Please RSVP via tickeleap for this event:


We have several great presentations lined up for our meeting:

1). “Protecting Significant Views Along The Circuit: An Assessment of Land Conservation Priorities for Viewsheds Along The Circuit ”  Mark Zakutansky (Director of Conservation Policy Engagement) and Cathy Poppenwimer (Assistant Staff Scientist and GIS Analyst) from the Appalachian Mountain Club

Scenic views enhance enjoyment of The Circuit. Land development throughout the region threatens scenic areas and views, decreasing trail enjoyment and presenting challenges for conservation planners. Strategic protection of land with high scenic value near trails protects a quality trail experience and conserves significant resources. This session describes a visual assessment study of The Circuit, including: the methodology used to evaluate land conservation priorities in The Circuit’s suburban and rural viewsheds; visual assessment analysis to identify and rank priority conservation opportunities along the trails, and how the study results provide a new tool for land conservation. The session concludes by discussing future applications of the visual assessment study, including study expansion, a most threatened views list and development of an interactive, on-line map.

2). “Utilizing Incident Data to Develop the Congestion Management Process” – Christine Salvadore, recent graduate of Temple University with a Professional Science Masters  in Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

3). “Greened Acres Dashboard: Tracking Green StormWater Infrastructure in Philadelphia using Esri’s ArcGIS Online Operations Dashboard” – Shelby Guercio, recent graduate of Temple University with a Professional Science Masters  in Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

4). “Lessons in Trails and Greenways Mapping in Philadelphia” – Michael Gall, GIS Specialist 2, Philadelphia Parks and Recreation Planning

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