Great Places Deadline Extended! – May 19

Submit your nomination by Friday, May 17, 2019, to be considered for designation in 2019!

The Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association  is looking for Great Places in two categories: Great Public Spaces and Great Transformations. Great Places are unique, memorable places that work not only for their community, but as a model others want to emulate – places of exemplary character, quality, planning, identity, cultural interest, and community involvement with a sustainable vision for tomorrow.

We want to hear your suggestions for a Great Public Space or Great Transformation designation. Please complete the online submission form by Friday, May 17, 2019. Nominations will be considered by the Great Places in Pennsylvania Judges Committee with notification to applicants in early Summer.

Nominations via the Web
All Great Public Spaces and Transformations nominations must be submitted online.  All information is to be entered on or uploaded to the website.

It’s easier than you think to submit a nomination:

  • Enter basic information on the online form
  • Upload a photo
  • Attach support documents and images

Before you begin, please assemble all information needed for the nomination and files to be uploaded.

Visit to nominate your great place!

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