It is time to cast your ballot for the National, State and Local APA Officers! This year, we are participating in APA’s consolidated ballot system for the first time so please carefully read the following instructions.
On August 7, APA will send each APA Pennsylvania member an email with a link to the ballot.

You will receive this notice from Survey and Ballot Systems, and it will contain your unique link to the ballot. All voting will be done on-line and only members in good standing will be allowed to vote. Voting will end on September 8, 2017. Two email reminders will be sent to members who have not voted during this time period in case you miss the first one.
You will be voting on the slate listed below. View the candidate position statements at Please review before voting!
Should you have any questions or problems accessing the ballot webpage, please contact Lynn Jorgenson at
2017 Southeast Section Council of the Pennsylvania Planning Chapter American Planning Association Candidates
- Chair: Justin Dula (position statement)
- Vice Chair: Alexis Williams (position statement)
- Secretary: Nicole Hostettler (position statement)
- Treasurer: Rick Collier (position statement)
Professional Planners at Large
- Marley Bice (position statement)
- Jennifer Barr (position statement)
- John Federico (position statement)
- Latifah Griffin (position statement)
- Pattie Guttenplan (position statement)
- Amy Miller has moved since being included on the ballot and is no longer able to serve on section council
- Hanaa Rohman (position statement)
- Rebecca Ross (position statement)
- Andrew Svekla (position statement)
- Karen Thompson (position statement)
Citizen Planner
- Cheryl Tumola (position statement)
- Catherine Reynolds (write in candidate) (position statement)