Archive for Upcoming Events

Future City Philadelphia Volunteer Opportunities

There are a few opportunities to get involved with your local schools and inspire future planners and engineers!

Future City Philadelphia Engineering Fair

APA PA SE will have a booth at the Future City Philadelphia Engineering Fair in Newtown Square on Saturday, October 26. Please register here to volunteer.

Mentor Opportunities

Also, Future City Philadelphia is looking for mentors for the following middle schools in the Greater Philadelphia area:

  • Eisenhower Science and Technology Leadership Academy – Norristown, PA
  • French Creek Elementary – Pottstown, PA
  • Holy Rosary Regional School – Plymouth Meeting, PA
  • Keith Valley Middle School – Horsham, PA
  • KIPP West Philadelphia Prep – Philadelphia, PA
  • Lehighton Area Middle School – Lehighton, PA
  • Lenape Middle School – Doylestown, PA
  • Penn Wood Middle School – Darby, PA
  • St. Albert the Great School – Huntingdon Valley
  • St. Jane Frances de Chantal School – Easton, PA
  • St. Katherine of Siena School – Philadelphia, PA
  • St. Peter School – Philadelphia, PA
  • Stewart Middle School – Norristown, PA

Click here to sign up to mentor one of these teams.

For more information about the program and your role as a prospective mentor, please contact: Mike McAtee at

CM Credits for Pro Bono Planning Service

AICP members can obtain up to eight CM Credits for Pro Bono Planning Service, as outlined on the APA National website at

APA Future City Mentorship could relate to these allowed activities:

  • Planning-related support to groups that lack adequate planning resources, including service that expands choices and opportunities for everyone.
  • Planning to meet the needs of the disadvantaged and to promote racial and economic integration.
  • Mentoring the development of students, interns, beginning professionals, colleagues, and members of underrepresented groups to help them advance in the planning profession.

Nov 14 – APAPASE Annual Event

Meet us in the beautiful Maas Building in Olde Kensington Philadelphia to discuss “cozy homes,” sustainable architecture and construction, and Philadelphia housing trends. Student architectural works will be featured for your viewing (and tactile!) enjoyment.

Read more

Oct. 2 – 4 – Complete Streets & Vision Zero Training (CM Credit Available)

Going to AIA Philadelphia’s Forum on Architecture + Design this October?

Check out training for practical guidance directly from City employees!


What is Forum on Architecture + Design?

The Forum on Architecture + Design is the newly rebranded educational and expo event that is replacing the previous Design on the Delaware conference. The Forum is focused on curating multidisciplinary educational content for designers, civic leaders, and other industry leaders that contribute to shaping our built environment. complete-streets-vision-zero-training

The Forum on Architecture + Design will take place October 2-4 at: Convene – 30 S 17th Street Philadelphia, PA

The Philadelphia City Planning Commission (PCPC) and the Office of Transportation, Infrastructure and Sustainability (OTIS) will be hosting the Complete Streets and Vision Zero Training at Forum on Architecture + Design on Friday, October 4th at 2:00 p.m. To register for Form on Architecture + Design please click here.

For questions or more information, please contact



Sept. 24 – Land Use Briefing – CM & Law Credit Available

Land Use Briefing

Join us for a free briefing on the latest developments in land use law across Pennsylvania and interactive discussions on the issues that affect you most.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Lehigh Valley Hotel & Conference Center
300 Gateway Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18017

Registration and Networking Breakfast: 8:00 – 8:30 am
Program: 8:30 – 10:30 am

Blake C. Marles, Esq.
Steven D. Buck, Esq.
James F. Kratz, Esq.

What is Going On With The Private Road Law in Pennsylvania?
Are the Courts Reining in Regulatory Agencies or Not?
Voluntary Developer Contributions or Exactions?
Plan Approvals: What Are Your Rights After the Decision?
Pennsylvania Land Use Appellate Case Law and Statutory Update


Deadline to register: Friday, September 20th          
QUESTIONS? Contact Amy Matthias at

Represent the APA at the Future City Philly Engineering Fair!

Future City® Philadelphia is hosting its second annual Engineering Fair for middle school students and teachers on Saturday, October 26 in Newtown Square, PA! APA PA SE has started its search for four (4) volunteers to manage its Exhibitor booth. Last year our volunteers engaged students in a hands-on land use activity to encourage them to incorporate city planning principles into their projects.

The theme for this year’s competition is Clean Water: Tap Into Tomorrow. The APA PA SE organizers will prepare materials and develop a hands-on activity for the day. Volunteers will receive instructions in advance and have the opportunity to provide input on the activity. A representative from the APA PA SE Engagement Committee will be on site to help volunteers set up and breakdown.

This is an exciting opportunity to share your knowledge and inspire children to think creatively about planning! The event details are shown below. Volunteers can pick between two shifts: 7:30 AM to 9:45 AM or 9:45 AM to 12:00 PM. Please fill out this Google form if you are interested in volunteering and/or have questions about this opportunity. Volunteers will be selected on a first come, first served basis, and preference will be given to APA members.

Future City Philadelphia Engineering Fair

October 26, 2019

SAP America
3999 West Chester Pike
Newtown Square, PA 19073


7:30-8:15 Exhibitor Check-In
8:15-8:45 Educator and Student Check-In
8:45-12:00 Talk to the Engineers / Exhibitors
9:00-9:45 Speaker – Engineering Challenge Topic Session 1
9:00-10:15 Moving parts workshop Session 1 (space limited)
10:45-12:00 Moving parts workshop Session 2 (space limited)
10:00-10:45 Speaker – Project Management for Future City Competition
11:00-11:45 Speaker – Engineering Challenge Topic Session 2


Sept. 10, 17, 24: The Course in Zoning

DATE: September 10, 17, 24, 2019
TIME: 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Upper Merion Township Building
175 West Valley Forge Road
King of Prussia, PA 19406
COST: $110 Registration Fee*

This comprehensive course will be taught in three consecutive Tuesday sessions—September 10, 17, 24—in the Upper Merion Township Building Freedom Hall, 175 West Valley Forge Road, King of Prussia, PA 19406 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The course deals with probably the most complex and provocative topic in local planning and emphasizes the fundamentals for developing a sound zoning ordinance using the authority granted in the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (MPC). Course topics include the relationship of zoning to comprehensive plans, key terms used in zoning and how they are applied, critical issues in drafting a zoning ordinance and map, procedures for adopting and amending ordinances, and basic zoning administration.

The course also explores techniques such as overlay districts, performance zoning, traditional neighborhood development, and planned residential development as well as the options available through regional planning. Participants will have an opportunity to take part in mapping exercises, reviews of ordinance provisions, and discussions of problem situations.

The course was developed by the Pennsylvania Planning Association and Penn State Extension Service through its training agency, the Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Education Institute (PMPEI), and is taught by certified PMPEI instructors. It is limited to 25 participants, and pre-registration is required. The registration fee is $110* per person.

*Municipalities with a current planning assistance contact with MCPC are eligible for a discounted rate of $90.

Available Credits
PMPEI is an approved provider of continuing education credits for the following: registered landscape architects, attorneys (PA Continuing Legal Education Board), engineers, land surveyors, professional geologists, and uniform construction code officials. Additional fees apply for credits.

Course Brochure
Online Registration

Aug. 22: Young Professionals in Transportation Happy Hour Event

Young Professionals in Transportation is hosting an event on Thursday, August 22:  They are having a panel discussion on e-scooters, followed by a happy hour/networking session:
“We will be hosting a panel conversation about the potential benefits and challenges of introducing of introducing e-scooters in Philadelphia, featuring speakers from Lime, Verve, and the City of Philadelphia and hosted by PlanPhilly’s transportation reporter, Darryl C. Murphy. Space is limited – reserve your spot today!” 

Oct 1: Chester County Planners’ Forum

Professional planners from Chester County are invited to attend the fall 2019 Chester County Planners’ Forum from 8 a.m.-10 a.m. Oct. 1 at Historic Yellow Springs, 1685 Art School Road, Chester Springs. Chester County Planning Commission

The forum provides a great opportunity to hear about current planning issues, share ideas with your fellow planners, and catch up with old friends. There will be presentations about the impact of multi-family housing, Chester County’s Return on Environment report, and preservation of historic landscapes.

Register online: Email any questions you may have to

3 Part Free Redevelopment Webinars

RE-Development Academy Real Estate Webinars
Friday, September 13 | October 18 | November 8
1 PM – 3 PM ET
Cost: FREE

Plan to join the RE-Development Academy for Communities, a three-part FREE webinar series hosted by the Office of Brownfield & Land Revitalization where you will learn the process for redeveloping a contaminated site through the eyes of a property developer.


Community members (including local governments, economic development, and environmental protection departments, community nonprofits, brownfield redevelopment agencies & other local stakeholders), technical assistance providers, state and tribal partners, etc.


Increase your understanding of the real estate redevelopment process through the eyes of a developer! Learn about:

  • Factors that motivate or discourage the development of contaminated properties.
  • How & when developers make decisions.
  • Special issues to consider (compatibility of site cleanup & reuse, contaminant type & location, institutional or engineering controls, etc.)
  • Pre & post redevelopment activities, determining cost & return on investment


Aug. 8 – DVRPC Public Participation Task Force open meeting

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Dinner: 5:30 p.m. | Meeting begins at 6:00 p.m.

Location: 190 N Independence Hall West, Philadelphia, PA




DVRPC’s Annual Work Program: A workshop to discuss the region’s planning needs and potential DVRPC studies


The Long-Range Plan (LRP) presents a vision for the region’s transportation investments over the next 25 years. The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a list of capital transportation projects that are to be implemented over the next four years. But what about the years in between?

Enter the Work Program: DVRPC’s Work Program for Fiscal Year 2021 is under development. The Annual Work Program determines planning projects and mandated activities that DVRPC staff will undertake to meet the region’s changing transportation and planning needs, implement the Long-Range Plan’s vision, and identify capital projects for inclusion on future TIPs. Come ready to learn, engage, and discuss your ideas about what planning projects and studies we should consider today in order to build the region we want and need in the future.

Join us at the next PPTF meeting on August 8th to participate in this exciting workshop. An agenda can be viewed on the PPTF webpage:



By Wednesday, August 7th via Ticketleap: .

Seating is limited.