Our colleagues over at APA Arizona put together this tremendously helpful brochure, for which they surveyed more than 800 planners across the country. Whether you’re looking for a job or just want some interviewing/employment advice, it’s tremendously helpful. Click on the image above to download the report.
Archive for Jeff Barg
Last Chance to Register: Vacant Land Planning in a Land Bank World — 3 CM Credits!
A land bank is (very likely) coming to Philadelphia. Learn all about what a land bank is and how it will change vacant land planning, and hear it from the people who are creating, implementing and advocating for the new legislation. Everything you need to know about Philadelphia’s land bank—before it happens, from the people who are making it happen.
Speakers include John Carpenter, Jennifer Kates, John Kromer and Karen Black.
This session is a part of the 2013 Greenbuild Challenge.
Wednesday, May 29, 8:45 am – 12 pm
May 29 PDI: Vacant Land Planning in a Land Bank World — 3 CM Credits!

What will a land bank mean for vacant land–and for planners? Credit: Pennsylvania Horticultural Society
A land bank is (very likely) coming to Philadelphia. Learn all about what a land bank is and how it will change vacant land planning, and hear it from the people who are creating, implementing and advocating for the new legislation. Everything you need to know about Philadelphia’s land bank—before it happens, from the people who are making it happen.
This session is a part of the 2013 Greenbuild Challenge.
Wednesday, May 29, 8:45 am – 12 pm
Pennsylvania Horticultural Society
100 N. 20th St., fifth floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103
8:45 (registration & breakfast)
9 am to 12 pm (program)
$25 for APA-PA members & students, $30 for APA members (not PA Chapter), $35 for nonmembers
3 AICP CM Credits pending approval
Remembering Local Planner Bruce Hansen at the Memorial Chicken Run 5K
Bruce Hansen
Some say it’s cliched to recall of someone passed, “He had a most memorable laugh.” None of those people ever met Bruce Hansen.
Bruce was in my class in planning school at Penn, and from the very first week, his laugh was famous. It was strong, guttural, from deep down in the belly. It had the slightest build, and would quickly hit a sonic frequency that powered it over the rest of the noise within a hundred yards. It would go on just longer than was normal or appropriate, and as soon as it died down, the rest of the room would laugh in response. It was far from the only way Bruce made those around him smile, but it was the loudest way.
A year ago this week, the alums in our planning class got word that Bruce had died suddenly, unexpectedly. It didn’t seem possible.
Besides being a great friend, father and husband, Bruce was a tremendously talented planner, having worked locally at Hurley~Franks Associates and the Greenspace Alliance.
Those who knew and loved Bruce are set to celebrate his life next month with the first Bruce J. Hansen Memorial Chicken Run 5K & Children’s Fun Run in Mechanicsburg, PA.