Archive for APAPA-SE

Thanks for a successful summer happy hour!

Thanks to everyone who came out for the June happy hour at Sunset Social at Cira Green! We had a great time ringing in summer, even with coats on.
Save the date for Wednesday, August 16 for a late-summer happy hour event; more details to come next month!

July 12 – Young Professionals in Energy Networking Event

July 12th, from 5:30-7:30 PM, at Billy Penn Studios.

Young Professionals in Energy (YPE) is planning an Electric Vehicle speaker panel and networking event on Wednesday, July 12th, from 5:30-7:30 PM, at Billy Penn Studios. The event is free and light refreshments will be provided. Below is the EventBrite link, which includes more information regarding the event, and the option to register.

June 22 – Happy Hour at Sunset Social

APAPA-SE will be holding its first summer event of 2023 at Sunset Social on the Cira Green Rooftop. Join us for food, drinks, and socializing with fellow planners on Thursday, June 22 from 5:30 to 7:30. Sunset Social is at 129 South 30th Street in Philadelphia, just two blocks south of 30th Street Station overlooking the Schuylkill River. Food and drinks are pay as you go.
RSVPs are recommended but not required for event coordination – RSVP here:
We hope to see you on the 22nd!

June 16: LGBTQ+ Professionals in the Built Environment Pride Happy Hour

June 16 – 6PM – 8PM @ Cockatoo

208 S. 13th St Philadelphia, PA

Register here

Join us on Friday, June 16th at 6:00p at Cockatoo for our second annual Pride happy hour, an event for LGBTQ+ landscape architects, architects, planners, and allied professionals in the Philadelphia region. Let’s start conversations, build community, and celebrate Pride within our fields!

The event is free and open to LGBTQ+ individuals and allies that work in the built environment (bring your friends and colleagues)! Attendees will receive a free drink ticket.

The event is 21+ and is sponsored by OLIN, WRT, the American Society of Landscape Architects Pennsylvania Delaware Chapter, and the American Planning Association Pennsylvania Chapter Southeast Section.

For any questions, please reach out to Max at


June 7: APA PA Webinar Wednesday – Checking the Boxes with Green Infrastructure

Checking the Boxes with Green Infrastructure

What are the impacts of trees? Maintenance costs, economic benefits, equity considerations, health factors, stormwater implications, regulatory challenges… This session will look at the multi-dimensionality of green infrastructure (not just trees!) and the long-term vision for risk reduction and health improvement with planner and municipal action opportunities woven throughout. Speakers will raise some considerations specific to active transportation and climate change as well. The discussion will provide a framework for recognizing the compound impacts of natural systems and incorporating systemic benefits into planning processes. It will also touch on practical techniques for reducing apparent conflicts between trees and paving surfaces and space competition between green infrastructure and active transportation.

Sustainability/Resilience CM credit is pending approval. You must attend the webinar live in order to earn CM credit.

Rebecca Wetzler
Samantha Pearson

**The Pennsylvania Chapter is not responsible for the materials or opinions of the speaker(s) you will hear**

Deadline to register is June 6

If you’re interested in sponsoring a Webinar Wednesday session or have a session for Webinar Wednesday please contact us. Send your request to

Please note: You will receive a reminder email a few days before the webinar with zoom information (please check your spam/junk folders). This email will be sent to the email address you used to register for the event.



Featured Job Listings – DVRPC

DVRPC is looking to hire multiple positions! Click through for the full job announcement for each:

Submit a Nomination for APAPASE Section Council

This summer we will hold elections for American Planning Association, Pennsylvania Chapter, Southeast Section (APA PA SE) Officers and Council members. Nominate a friend, nominate a colleague, nominate yourself! All nominations are due NO later than May 12th to!

We are taking nominations for Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, 6-7 Professional Planners, and 2-3 Citizen Planners.

  • The four Section Council Officer positions consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Chair provides leadership and guides the development of the chapter, the Vice Chair assists, the Treasurer maintains the budget and all financial matters, while the Secretary administers the documentation and membership of the organization.
  • A Professional Planner is an individual earning a majority of their income practicing planning or who is retired from such occupation. Professional planners are required to be a member of the Pennsylvania Chapter of APA.
  • A Citizen Planner is any appointed or elected official who is involved in planning decisions for the betterment of a state, region, county, city or municipality; an individual who has an interest in furthering the purposes of Association, but who is not a Professional Planner (for example, planning commissioner, planning official, zoning board member, Philadelphia RCO zoning representative, or similar). Elected citizen planners will receive complementary membership to the Pennsylvania Chapter of APA.

If you are interested in serving either in an Officer or Council member position:

  • New members welcome! No previous experience required.
  • AICP not required to join the board.
  • Review the Chapter Bylaws for descriptions of the Officer and Council member duties and responsibilities.
  • Determine if your schedule will allow sufficient time for the position, generally 1-3 hours/month.
  • Speak with current Officers or Council members regarding any questions or concerns.
  • Submit a nomination and candidate statement (600 words max) to the Nominating Committee no later than May 12th at: You may also submit a photo.

The official elections ballot will be distributed online during the summer by APA national to coincide with their election and voting will end in early September. The results of the election shall be published for Section members in October, with official terms to start in January 2024.

Please visit the APAPA-Southeast Section website for more information about the section.

May 9 – From Data to Funding: Accelerating 10-Minute Walk in Pennsylvania

Date – May 9, 2023

Time – 11am-12pm ET

Title – From Data to Funding: Accelerating 10-minute Walk in Pennsylvania 

Zoom link – 

Description – Local, state and federal funding sources are critical to preserving Pennsylvania’s green spaces, land, water, and natural character, and to develop parks for current and future residents throughout the state. This webinar will look at statewide 10-minute walk data, Pennsylvania’s park equity gaps, potential funding sources, and examples of successful grants and projects.

NPC 23 – Call for Volunteers!

The NPC Merchandise Subcommittee is in need of volunteers to help staff the APA-PA merchandise table. All volunteers will receive a FREE conference T-shirt!

Volunteers are asked to staff the table for at least one 1.5 hour shift. Please indicate your availability to volunteer via this doodle poll –

Deadline March 8th: Student Scholarship to Attend NPC 2023

The Student Representatives Council (SRC) is providing $1000 to sponsor students to come to NPC23. The application is due March 8 – apply here!


The Student Representatives Council (SRC) firmly believes that the National Planning Conference (NPC) is a valuable experience for students and emerging planners to form meaningful connections with peers and other professionals, gain relevant knowledge, and amplify student and emerging planner voices as the future of the planning profession. However, the SRC acknowledges that there often are significant financial and logistical barriers to in-person conference attendance. This year, the SRC is pleased to announce that we will be able to sponsor students for up to $1,000 to attend NPC2023.

Eligibility Criteria – This opportunity is open to all students and emerging planners, with an emphasis on those who come from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds. You should be able to attend at least the entire in-person conference (April 1-4 in Philadelphia) and ideally the online conference as well (April 26-28).
Application Details – Applications will be due by midnight on March 8th. Awardees will be announced in later in March. There are a limited number of Sponsorship slots. This year, we hope to support two students, but the exact number is to be determined.
Sponsorship Expectations – There will be certain expectations to be fulfilled by the awardee during and after the conference. During the in-person conference, the awardee will be required to fulfill the following expectations: attend one (1) official NPC mobile workshop, take at least ten (10) photos of their time at NPC and share them with APA (images will become  property of APA), meet up with their APA sponsor (information provided upon award), and complete your two (2) self-determined goals (see application below). In addition, after the conference, the attendee will write a 500-word blog post reflecting on their experience for online publication.
For questions or comments, please reach out to the SRC using this address:
Selection for this program is an honor, and the SRC is proud to offer this opportunity. We hope you will apply!