Archive for APAPA-SE

March 23: TransportationCamp PHL 2024


Register today at

Whether you work in the industry or simply have an interest, we welcome you physically to our nation’s birthplace at the center of the NEC for a day filled with ideas at the intersection of transportation, technology, and urbanism. As always, the participant-driven TransportationCamp conference series follows the “unconference” format, lending itself to a more pertinent, thought-provoking, and active event.

Organized by passionate Philadelphians in conjunction with the Philadelphia Chapter and Mid-Atlantic Region of Young Professionals in Transportation (YPT), the Philadelphia Chapter of Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS), and the Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering at Drexel University, we look forward to seeing you!

Learn more on on TransportationCamp’s website:

Feb. 8th: Partnership and Launch Party for DesignPhiladelphia!



Dear Members, 

For over a year, the Center for Architecture and Design has convened with APAPASE and other various design associations to discuss and examine Philadelphia’s collective design community. The goal for these gatherings was to discuss the landscape, its challenges and determine how the design community can better serve each other. Throughout all of this, the Center has been working tirelessly on restructuring their organization, creating a more inclusive design organization, with this restructure comes a rebrand. 

The Center for Architecture and Design is now DesignPhiladelphia – designed for everyone by everyone. More than just a name change, a year-round, evergreen DesignPhiladelphia signals an all-in effort to help put the Philadelphia design community on the creative map. Now the Center for Architecture and Design and the annual DesignPhiladelphia festival are united under the master brand of DesignPhiladelphia. Why? To formally unite designers of all disciplines, to bring value to Philadelphia as a whole. More exposure, and more business for our region? That’s a win.

We are thrilled to announce that APAPASE is joining DesignPhiladelphia on this journey as an In-Residence Partner. Partnering with DesignPhiladelphia will allow for easier and more fruitful collaborations with designers across industries. Additionally, this will help expand access and create a design industry that looks more like the people it is serving, leaning on us for our leadership and expertise— inviting us to use DesignPhiladelphia as a crucial hub for convening and impactful, thoughtful conversation. 

This will allow us to do three things: 

  1. Cross connect with other designers and associations
  2. Help usher in the next generation of design talent by volunteering in K-12 design education programs
  3. Have space to host monthly meetings and annual events

This is an exciting time for Philadelphia’s design community, and we are excited for its future. Let’s join DesignPhiladelphia and other In-Residence Partners on Thursday, February 8th for the DesignPhiladelphia Public Launch Party unveiling of the new brand and to help them celebrate the future. RSVP here:


John Federico, PE, PP, AICP

Featured Job Listing – DVRPC – Transportation Planner

DVRPC is looking to hire a Transportation Planner! See the full job listing for more information

Call for Volunteers! Future City Competition

The Philadelphia Region is now celebrating its 29th year of the Future City competition.

This coming year, the competition will be returning to Archbishop Carroll High School and will be held on January 20, 2024.

The theme of this year’s competition is Electrify Your Future.  The students’ challenge is to design a 100% electrically powered city with energy generated from sources that keep their citizens and the environment healthy and safe.

We need one person from our membership to evaluate the teams for the APA PA SE special award.  If you are interested, please contact John Federico ( and then sign up at

Congratulations to Incoming Council Members!

We have received the results of our Southeast Section council 2024-25 term election and are excited to announce our new council members!

  • John Federico – Chair
  • Pattie Guttenplan – Vice-Chair
  • Matt Edmond – Secretary
  • Rick Collier – Treasurer
  • Alexis Williams – Immediate Past Section Chair
  • Matt Popek – At Large Member
  • Nicole Hostettler – At Large Member
  • Sue Myerov – At Large Member
  • Danielle Baer — At Large Member
  • Rachel Pastan – At Large Member / Citizen Planner
  • Terry Robinson – At Large Member / Citizen Planner

Friday December 1st – Last Day to Register for our Annual Meeting!

Tickets are now available for our 2023 Annual Meeting – Deadline December 1st!

Get your tickets today!

An Evening with Anne Fadullon
Thursday, December 7
5:30 PM – 8:00 PM
The Post
129 South 30th Street, Philadelphia

Come join APAPA-SE at our 2023 annual meeting! The Southeast Section has had a lot to celebrate this year, including a national planning conference and summertime social outings. We will cover it all along with celebrating Anne Fadullon, the recently retired director of the Philadelphia Department of Planning and Development. Anne will speak on her time with the city and what could come next in a new mayoral administration.

Networking and socializing are welcome throughout the event.

Heavy appetizers and two beer/wine drink tickets are included with your admission ticket.

The Post is located a block and a half south of Market on 30th Street, with easy access to highways and transit.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

DVRPC Visioning Survey

Vision Update for 2050

See DVRPC’s website for the full announcement!

Join the Conversation. Shape Tomorrow.

What are your vision and goals for the region? It’s been several years since the Long-Range Plan for Greater Philadelphia was adopted. The Plan sets the Vision and goals for the region, strategies to achieve them, and allocates $67 billion in state and federal transportation funds through the year 2050. Per federal requirement, we’re updating it again, and need your help to do it!

Your Vision for 2050

The existing vision, generated through broad public engagement during the last Plan update, is an EQUITABLE, RESILIENT, and SUSTAINABLE Greater Philadelphia Region that:

– Preserves and restores the natural ENVIRONMENT.
– Develops inclusive, healthy, and walkable COMMUNITIES.
– Grows an innovative and connected ECONOMY with broadly shared prosperity.
– Maintains a safe, multimodal TRANSPORTATION network that serves everyone.

What do you like about the current vision statement? What would you add, remove, or change? Weigh in on a new ENERGY & CLIMATE focus area! DVRPC invites you to participate in a survey to shape the Vision for 2050 for the next iteration of the Long-Range Plan for Greater Philadelphia.

Take the Survey!

If you live, work, or play in Greater Philadelphia, we want to hear from you! Whether you have 5 minutes or more than 10 minutes to spare, your input matters in guiding investments and shaping the future for the region. Qualified participants who successfully complete a survey will have the opportunity to enter into a giveaway for one of 20 gift cards, valued at $50 each. Visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to see full giveaway rules.

Take the survey today!

Dec 6. – APA PA Webinar Wednesday – Land Use Law Update (Law CM Pending)

Webinar Wednesday: Land Use Law Update

December 6 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Land Use Law Update

This session will review opinions of the federal and Pennsylvania courts issued since the last APA PA annual conference and highlight developments in the law. The session will cover the adoption, administration, interpretation and enforcement of MPC-enabled ordinances; floodplain, stormwater and wetlands management; other state and federal statutes impacting land use (e.g. fair housing statutes, RLUIPA); and Pennsylvania and federal constitutional issues (e.g. due process, takings). (PLEASE NOTE: This is the same session from the APA PA Annual Conference, if you attended)

Law CM credit is pending approval. You must attend the webinar live in order to earn CM credit.

Susan J Smith, Esq
Leah Eppinger, AICP

**The Pennsylvania Chapter is not responsible for the materials or opinions of the speaker(s) you will hear**

Deadline to register is December 5

If you’re interested in sponsoring a Webinar Wednesday session or have a session for Webinar Wednesday please contact us. Send your request to

Please note: You will receive a reminder email a few days before the webinar with zoom information (please check your spam/junk folders). This email will be sent to the email address you used to register for the event.


2023 Annual Event Tickets Now Available!

Tickets are now available for our 2023 Annual Event!

Get your tickets today!

An Evening with Anne Fadullon
Thursday, December 7
5:30 PM – 8:00 PM
The Post
129 South 30th Street, Philadelphia

Come join APAPA-SE at our 2023 annual meeting! The Southeast Section has had a lot to celebrate this year, including a national planning conference and summertime social outings. We will cover it all along with celebrating Anne Fadullon, the recently retired director of the Philadelphia Department of Planning and Development. Anne will speak on her time with the city and what could come next in a new mayoral administration.

Networking and socializing are welcome throughout the event.

Heavy appetizers and two beer/wine drink tickets are included with your admission ticket.

The Post is located a block and a half south of Market on 30th Street, with easy access to highways and transit.

Looking forward to seeing you there!


An Evening with Anne Fadullon
Thursday, December 7
5:30 PM – 8:00 PM
The Post
129 South 30th Street, Philadelphia
Join APAPASE for our annual event at The Post in University City! We’re looking forward to a night of networking, appetizers and drinks, and a conversation with Anne Fadullon who recently left the Philadelphia Department of Planning and Development.
Tickets will go on sale in early November.