Archive for APAPA-SE

Dec 6. – APA PA Webinar Wednesday – Land Use Law Update (Law CM Pending)

Webinar Wednesday: Land Use Law Update

December 6 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Land Use Law Update

This session will review opinions of the federal and Pennsylvania courts issued since the last APA PA annual conference and highlight developments in the law. The session will cover the adoption, administration, interpretation and enforcement of MPC-enabled ordinances; floodplain, stormwater and wetlands management; other state and federal statutes impacting land use (e.g. fair housing statutes, RLUIPA); and Pennsylvania and federal constitutional issues (e.g. due process, takings). (PLEASE NOTE: This is the same session from the APA PA Annual Conference, if you attended)

Law CM credit is pending approval. You must attend the webinar live in order to earn CM credit.

Susan J Smith, Esq
Leah Eppinger, AICP

**The Pennsylvania Chapter is not responsible for the materials or opinions of the speaker(s) you will hear**

Deadline to register is December 5

If you’re interested in sponsoring a Webinar Wednesday session or have a session for Webinar Wednesday please contact us. Send your request to

Please note: You will receive a reminder email a few days before the webinar with zoom information (please check your spam/junk folders). This email will be sent to the email address you used to register for the event.


2023 Annual Event Tickets Now Available!

Tickets are now available for our 2023 Annual Event!

Get your tickets today!

An Evening with Anne Fadullon
Thursday, December 7
5:30 PM – 8:00 PM
The Post
129 South 30th Street, Philadelphia

Come join APAPA-SE at our 2023 annual meeting! The Southeast Section has had a lot to celebrate this year, including a national planning conference and summertime social outings. We will cover it all along with celebrating Anne Fadullon, the recently retired director of the Philadelphia Department of Planning and Development. Anne will speak on her time with the city and what could come next in a new mayoral administration.

Networking and socializing are welcome throughout the event.

Heavy appetizers and two beer/wine drink tickets are included with your admission ticket.

The Post is located a block and a half south of Market on 30th Street, with easy access to highways and transit.

Looking forward to seeing you there!


An Evening with Anne Fadullon
Thursday, December 7
5:30 PM – 8:00 PM
The Post
129 South 30th Street, Philadelphia
Join APAPASE for our annual event at The Post in University City! We’re looking forward to a night of networking, appetizers and drinks, and a conversation with Anne Fadullon who recently left the Philadelphia Department of Planning and Development.
Tickets will go on sale in early November.

Oct. 19: AIA PHL + ULI PHL Urban Resilience Forum (3 CM)

Reserve your spot today for the ULI Philadelphia
& AIA Philadelphia Urban Resilience Forum on
10/19! Learn about the creative ways in which
our local leaders are responding to the effects of
climate change in the Philadelphia region.
Learn more about each panel and register today:


Oct 19, 2023  

12:30 PM – 6:00 PM EDT 


Center for Architecture and Design 

1218 Arch Street 

Philadelphia, PA 19107 

About the Program: 

Hurricane Ida’s record flooding in 2021, summer of 2023 heat records, and record for worst  urban air quality in the world on June 8, 2023, these events demonstrate that climate change is  on Philly’s doorstep, and we must respond. What is Philadelphia doing to address the effects of  climate change from the parcel, project, and regional scale while addressing historic  environmental injustices?  

Join AIA Philadelphia and ULI Philadelphia to hear about the creative ways in which our local  leaders are responding with solutions that will work in our specific context.  

The Urban Resilience Forum will be a half-day program with three sessions featuring guest  speakers presenting case studies, moderated conversations, and audience Q&A. Following the  program, continue the conversation over a networking happy hour. 

Credits: Earn a total of 3 AIA LUs (HSW) | 3 LA CES Credits (HSW) | 3 AICP

Oct. 24 – Sharing & Connecting Block: How We Are Implementing DEI Initiatives in Our Industry

October 24 – 5:30 PM to 7:3 PM

Presented by ASCE Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Committee

To round out our series, this event will focus on SHARING how we are implementing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and employee resource groups (ERGs) initiatives. With a fast and dynamic presentation, representatives of different companies and industry associations will share what they’re doing at their organizations. What works? What doesn’t? How can we do better? This will be followed by a series of breakout roundtables, allowing us to CONNECT on a more personal level.

Location: 1818 Market St 16th floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103
(The presentation section will have a virtual option.) –
Registration: Tuesday, October 17, 2023, This is a FREE event (Register Here)

Featured Job Listing – DVRPC – Planning Data Analyst

DVRPC is looking to hire a Planning Data Analyst! Click through for the full job announcement.

Annual APA PA Conference

October 15 – October 17

Register Today!

Electrifying the Future With Our Past

Join Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association for their Annual Conference in Scranton.

  • 400 planners expected
  • Over 40 classroom sessions
  • 6 mobile workshops offered
  • Up to 12 CM credits, including Sustainability/Resilience, Equity, Law and Ethics
  • Welcome Reception at Scranton Cultural Center
  • Annual Awards presentation – our best and brightest
  • State of the APA PA Chapter
  • Monday reception with the Exhibitors
  • Tuesday afternoon Desserts with our Exhibitors
  • and more!

The largest annual gathering of planners in PA!

PMPEI Train the Trainer

The PA Municipal Planning Education Institute will be conducting a Train-the-Trainer class to prepare instructors to teach the PMPEI Course in Subdivision and Land Development Review. The training consists of two weekend sessions, Friday and Saturday, October 6 and 7, and Saturday, October 21.  and will be held in State College. The training program will also include instruction for teaching the PMPEI online course, Managing the Subdivision Review Process.

The Course in Subdivision and Land Development Review Course is an in-depth, 10-hour, newly revised course intended to help students master the complex and time-sensitive review process, as well as teaching them how these regulations are an integral part of a community’s planning process. In sharing your knowledge and experience you will be helping local officials become better planners.

2023 is PMPEI’s 31st year as the PA Chapter/American Planning Association’s principal educational outreach to planning commissioners and local officials. Courses are set up at convenient sites- usually in municipal facilities- so they are close to where students are located. As an instructor you will be joining about 50 other professionals who teach in the PMPEI program that reaches about 1,400 officials a year. PMPEI Instructors are paid for teaching courses, and also receive travel and meal reimbursement. Teaching assignments are set up to keep travel time reasonable for instructors.

If you have at least five years’ experience in planning in Pennsylvania and would like to be a PMPEI Instructor, contact Stanford Lembeck, AICP, at  The registration fee for the three-day training is $150, and class size is limited. A registration form, with additional information about the PMPEI Planning and Zoning Course Program, will be sent to you.

Voting now open!

The 2023 election cycle is underway!

If you are a Pennsylvania Chapter voting member, please be on the look out for an email from APA‘s third party vendor. If you are a part of the Southeast Section and a voting member, you will receive an additional email. Please see message below from APA:
APA has partnered with Survey & Ballot Systems (SBS) to administer the 2023 APA Consolidated Election. To ensure your election specific broadcast email arrives safely in your inbox on August 10, 2023, simply add the following email address as an approved sender:  
If you haven’t received your email please check your spam/junk folder. After searching your mailbox and you still haven’t found your email, please let us know and we can put in a ticket requesting your email.
August 10 Ballots available online, reminders emailed to all chapter/division members.
Late-August Email reminders sent to those members who have not yet voted.
Early-September Email reminders sent to those members who have not yet voted.
September 8 Firm deadline for receipt of ballots from membership.
September 14 Survey Ballot Systems certifies election results and prepares report to National for dissemination.
January 1, 2024 Newly elected leaders take office.


Application Due Sep. 8: Chester County’s Vision Partnership Program

Chester County’s Vision Partnership Program

The Vision Partnership Program (VPP) provides funding to Chester County municipalities and multi-municipal groups who are seeking to improve their planning programs through various types of projects. Projects include revised municipal plans, ordinances, and planning studies that address opportunities and issues of community concern – and all projects must achieve consistency with the county’s comprehensive plan, Landscapes3.

Chester County is currently accepting applications for Vision Partnership Program, with approximately $215,000 available. Applications are due by September 8.

Recently projects completed with funding assistance by the Vision Partnership Program include the Avondale Borough Comprehensive Plan, Pennsbury Township Subdivision and Land Development Update, and the Plum Run Corridor Master Plan (East Bradford Township). A list of cash grant awards can be found here:


To learn more about the Vision Partnership Program, visit