April 2: APA PA – Webinar Wednesday: Blowing up Your Boards and Other Bold Ideas…

April 2 @ 12:00 pm1:15 pm

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Blowing up Your Boards and Other Bold Ideas to Bring Your Comp Plan to Life

How do you guarantee that your community’s new comprehensive plan will see fruition? Operationalize its implementation. The presenters will explore fresh ideas for delivering on vision, highlighting an innovative accomplishment by the Municipality of Mt. Lebanon to completely restructure the community’s appointed advisory boards to align with the key issues at the center of Ascend Lebo, the recently adopted comprehensive plan. Discussion will also focus on inclusive engagement strategies to discern shared values and build momentum for progress, as well as integrating the plan into the Capital Improvement Program.

This session is designed to provide education to professional planners, municipal officials, students and others on the creative application of the implementable comprehensive plan model, which helps communities co-create processes for progress. A key theme is critical thinking about how to embed long-range planning firmly rooted in equitable engagement into municipal operations: How can advisory boards strengthen implementation efforts? How can the Capital Improvement Program be anchored in plan implementation? We propose the Mt. Lebanon case study within the broader context of communities doing this work and will engage the audience in interactive discussion.

Educational objectives:

  • Understand application of the Implementable Comprehensive Plan model as a best practice
  • Broaden critical thinking about integrating planning into day-to-day municipal operations
  • Gain insight (and inspiration!) on the strategic use of appointed advisory boards to build capacity for plan implementation

CM credit is pending approval. You must attend the webinar live in order to earn CM credit.

Ian McMeans
Jenni Easton

**The Pennsylvania Chapter is not responsible for the materials or opinions of the speaker(s) you will hear**

Deadline to register is April 1

If you’re interested in sponsoring a Webinar Wednesday session or have a session for Webinar Wednesday please contact us. Send your request to admin@planningpa.org.

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