April 14: Solutions to the Alphabet Soup of Water Regulations


Solutions to the Alphabet Soup of Water Regulations | $80

sponsored by the PA Chapter of the American Planning Association and the PA Local Government Training Partnership

When: April 14, 2015
Where: Harrisburg Hilton


Approved for 5.5 CM Credits

The spring forum will focus on understanding water regulations and responding to requirements with projects that address needs, build partnerships, and capitalize on overlapping interests. The event will help attendees clarify their understanding of TMDL, MS4, stormwater, and other water-based issues and regulations, and provide details on innovative projects that have addressed these difficult issues through partnerships.

Speakers include: Mark Gutshall, Lee McDonnell, Ben Ehrhart, Felicia Dell, Lindsay Gerner, Charlotte Katzenmoyer, Eric Eckl, John Theilacker, Dr. Seung Ah Byun, John Schombert, Andrew Gavin, John Goodall, Shannon Rossman, and Ashley Showers.


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