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Nov 14: QUE meet up

Queer Urbanist Exchange (QUE) is invites you to join our monthly meet up at A Dream Deferred: Redlining Past Present and Future (600 W. Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) at 5:30 pm followed by a visit to Yards Brewery Taproom at 500 W. Spring Garden at 7pm on Wednesday, November 14, 2018.

Using art, technology, and media, A Dream Deferred tells the story of how race and policy shape the landscape of Philadelphia and the lives of its residents. Experience multimedia storytelling through interactive touchscreen mapping, a large-scale art installation by Shawn Theodore, and short documentary film. Visitors will also have a chance to share their personal reactions in a private confessional booth. The exhibit also has a cafe and reading area.

Help spread the word!

Facebook Event – https://www.facebook.com/events/277005773143659 

Meetup Event – https://www.meetup.com/Queer-Urbanist-Exchange/events/255286188/

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