Speak on Planning for Diverse Communities

Have you ever wanted to share your planning experiences with others planner around the United States about your interaction with diverse communities? Do you plan on attending the 2017 APA Conference in NYC? If so, Diana Hasrouni would like to personally invite you to participate in the session “Cultural Competency in Planning” on Saturday, May 6th from 2:30-3:45 PM. In this interactive session, planners will be able to become the “Doctors/Experts,” while providing suggestions for other planners’ (the attendees) problems.

There will be 16 stations, which are listed below. The attendees will be able to go to any station to ask the “Doctors” for their suggestions on how to plan for cultural competency in their communities. The attendees should wander around to at least 2 different stations during the session. You will be provided with a post-it note and markers to write or demonstrate your suggestions. Planners need to have practicum experience and must be attending the 2017 National APA Conference. If you are interested or have questions, please e-mail Diana Hasrouni (hasrounidana [at] gmail.com) with your Name, Contact Information, and Top 3 Choices by Friday, February 24, 2017.

Please choose your topic 3 stations that you will like to lead.

  1. Affordable Housing
  2. Urban Design
  3. Arts, Culture, and Placemaking
  4. Community Development
  5. Crime Prevention
  6. Diversity in the Planning Profession and Education
  7. Economic Development
  8. Education
  9. Environmental Justice
  10. Ethnic Enclaves
  11. Food Insecurity
  12. Planning at the Local Level and Inclusive Engagement
  13. Public Health
  14. Public and Active Transportation
  15. Urban Design
  16. Zoning/Ethics/Law

More information about this APA session: https://www.planning.org/events/nationalconferenceactivity/9109751/

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