Oct. 8: APAPASE Events/Emerging Professionals Committee Meeting

Do you like to organize events like walking tours, happy hours, and educational events related to planning? Then join the APAPASE Events and Emerging Professionals Committee and help us plan fun events! We are meeting on:

Thursday, October 8, 2015

5:30 PM7:00 PM

Michael Baker Jr.
1818 Market Street
Suite 3110
Philadelphia, PA 19103

You can also attend via conference call.

Please RSVP so we can give your name to security at the front desk or email you the call-in information.


The tentative agenda for the meeting is:

APAPASE Emerging Professionals Agenda 2015.08.13


  1. Introductions
  2. Updates on Past Events/Action Item
  • APAPA/YPT Scavenger Hunt (September 12) [Chrissy, Abby]
  1. Events in Planning Stages
  • Design Philly Event, October [Ellen]
  • Vision Zero event with Bicycle Coalition (December 3rd) [Christina]
  • Sign Event w/ International Sign Association (December 10) [Justin, Garrett]
  • The Landscape [Kate]
  • Mentor/Mentee update [Abby]
  • Ethics Event: Planning for the Disadvantaged [Kate]
  • ASCE YMF Joint Happy Hour [Christina]
  1. Back Burner Event Ideas
  • Market East Area Redevelopment [Karen and Garrett]
  • Jon Anderson Housing with Ron Strouse [Justin]
  • Hardhats and Hoagies tour in Tacony this Spring
  • Iconic Planner Party (think Jane Jacobs glasses)
  1. New Business/Event Ideas
  2. Upcoming Meeting Dates
  • December 10th
  1. Updates from Other Groups
  • QUE events

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