What’s Next for Philly?
Whether it’s a grand vision for the whole city, or your dreams for the patch you know best, we want to hear where you see our city going – and where you want to take it! We’ve heard about revitalizing old neighborhood institutions, learned about exciting new programs in Philly schools, and gushed over a fantasy transit map. Be one of the emerging voices at the seventh installment of Fast Forward >> Philly during the DesignPhiladelphia festival. We want to give your big ideas an audience, Philadelphia!
Fast Forward >> Open Call for Presenters
We are looking for presenters from various creative backgrounds to take on one burning question, “What’s next for Philly?” in 20 slides, 20 seconds each – no more, no less.
Where Center for Architecture | 1218 Arch Street | Philadelphia, PA 19107
When Friday October 5, 2018 | 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Important Dates
This is a fast-paced event where timing is essential. Please note the firm deadlines for submissions:
August 20 | 5pm
- Submit Statement of Intent Name, Title, Organization, Industry
- Your take on “What’s next for Philly?” in 200 words or less
- Five (5) Sample Slides* to fastforwardphilly@gmail.com
August 27
- Selected speakers notified, slide formatting instructions distributed
- If selected, please prepare a short bio and headshot for event publicity.
September 24 | 5pm
- Submit all 20 Slides*
October 5 | 6pm
- Fast Forward Event & Reception
- * Slides Submission Requirements: email JPGs or Microsoft Power Point slides (Mac/Windows acceptable) to
fastforwardphilly@gmail.com. File must be no larger than 25 megabytes (MB).
Need More Info?
Email fastforwardphilly@gmail.com and view past presentations at fastforwardphilly.blogspot.com.
Follow us on Twitter @FastForwardPHL – use #fastforwardphl and #WhatsNextPHL for news & announcements!