Oct. 30: Shaping the New York Metropolitan Region

APA New York Metro Chapter Annual Conference and Awards Ceremony

Shaping the New York Metropolitan Region: Planning Innovations and Disruptors – on October 30, 2015

Will you still need credits after the APA Pennsylvania Chapter Conference this year in Pittsburgh October 18-20 (http://planningpa.org/conference-news)? Don’t worry, you can check out the APA New York Metro Chapter’s 2015 Annual Conference and Awards Ceremony – Shaping the New York Metropolitan Region: Planning Innovations and Disruptors.

The list of panels and speakers is now posted on their chapter website (http://nyplanning.org/conference.html). The all-day conference will be held on Friday, October 30, at Lerner Hall, Columbia University. Mark your calendars and look out for announcements on additional details and conference registration.

Please direct questions on the conference to the Conference Chair, Kovid Saxena (kovid.saxena@hdrinc.com), and sponsorship inquiries to the Chapter Administrator, Angie Witkowski (admin@nyplanning.org). See you at the conference!

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