Oct. 25: Inside the Planner’s Studio With Anne Fadullon & Karen Thompson

Wednesday, October 25th, 2017 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM

The Innovation Lab

Municipal Services Building, 16th floor (1401 John F Kennedy Boulevard)

Philadelphia, PA 19102

Cost: Free

Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/inside-the-planners-studio-with-anne-fadullon-registration-38179202021

Have you ever wondered how someone became such a successful and effective planner? What advice they could provide about civic engagement? What projects are they are most proud of and why? APAPASE’s “Inside the Planner’s Studio” series asks these questions and more. We’re honored to have Anne Fadullon, Director of Planning & Development for the City of Philadelphia as our 4th speaker in the annual “Inside the Planners Studio” speaker series. Karen Thompson of the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation will be asking Ms. Fadullon about her career, civic engagement, and her advice for planners. Karen will skip the small talk and ask Ms. Fadullon the big questions: What pivotal moments have shaped her career? If she could go back, would she do anything differently? You’ll have to come to find out!

  • 5:30-6:00: The event will begin with networking. Light hors d’oeuvres will be provided.
  • 6:00-6:45: The Inside the Planner’s Studio program will take place.
  • 6:45-7:00: Ms. Fadullon will take questions from the audience.
  • 7:00-7:30: There will be additional time to network after the event.

October has been designated as National Community Planning Month by the American Planning Association. This year’s theme, “Innovation in Planning,” acknowledges the important role planning plays in addressing and adapting to challenges faced by communities in the 21st century Follow the national conversation at #PlanningMonth.

Anne Fadullon

Anne Fadullon is the Director of Planning & Development for the City of Philadelphia. This position encompasses the Division of Zoning and Planning, Division of Development Services and Division of Housing and Community Development.


Prior to taking this position, Anne worked at the Dale Corporation as the Director of Real Estate Development and at the Redevelopment Authority under the Rendell administration as the Direction of Development.  Overall, Anne has nearly 30 years of experience in the real estate development field, including project planning, site acquisition, securing approvals, project financing, legislative policy and overall project management.


Anne is the immediate past President of the Philadelphia Building Industry Association. Other industry volunteer roles have included being the Builder/Developer member of Civic Design Review Committee, the Vice Chair of the Developers Workshop, a member of the Steering Committee of the Design Advocacy Group, a board member of Lutheran Settlement House and a recent past instructor for the Citizens Planning Institute. In addition, she was the Co-Chair of the Housing, Planning and Development Committee for the Kenney Transition Team.


Anne received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Urban Studies and Economics from Lehigh University and her Master of City Planning degree from the University of Pennsylvania.


Karen Thompson, Interviewer

Karen Thompson is a Planner and Project Manager with the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation where she works on a variety of streetscape, trail, planning, and park projects as part of the implementation of the Master Plan for the Central Delaware. Her projects include the Penn’s Landing Redevelopment Study, the Delaware River Trail design, the Columbia Avenue and Spring Garden Street Connector projects, and the West Shipyard Archaeology study. Ms. Thompson previously worked as a historian at a small preservation planning firm in Austin, Texas and holds a B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin in History and a Master’s degree in City Planning from the University of Pennsylvania with a certificate in Urban Design. She is also involved in the Emerging Professionals and Events Committee of the APAPASE.


American Planning Association, Pennsylvania Chapter, Southeast Section (APAPASE) is the Philadelphia area section of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association, representing approximately 740 members in the counties of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia. For more information about APAPASE, please visit www.apapase.org. Follow us on Twitter at @APAPASoutheast, like us on Facebook, or join our group on LinkedIn.

APAPASE would like to thank the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Design for sponsoring this event!

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