Philly Tech Week starts this Friday!
Here is a list of events that may be of interest to Planners & Geo Spatial Analysts.
Balloon Mapping with GeoPhilly
Wednesday, April 22, 2015, 9:00am–12:00pm & 6:00pm–8:00pm
Balloon mapping is a low-cost, easy, and safe way to capture aerial images and stitch them together to make high resolution maps. This grassroots technique has been used by journalists and community groups all over the world.
Monday, April 20, 3:30pm–5:30pm
Change makers from Philadelphia & beyond will be speaking about the work they’re doing in their cities to cultivate the entrepreneurial ecosystem (both in and outside government) and how to sustain those efforts over a period of time.
To and From: Designing the urban commuter experience
Thursday, April 23, 6:30pm–9:00pm
In his debut AIGA Philadelphia exhibit, designer and educator Alex Yampolsky explores visual navigation concepts to enhance urban commuter experience.
Philly Tech Week Mayoral Forum on Technology, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Monday, April 20, 5:30pm–7:30pm
Come out to the only mayoral forum dedicated to the issues of technology, entrepreneurship, innovation and the retention of this city’s blossoming creative class.
Innovation Mapped Party by Chevrolet
Sunday, April 19, 4:30pm–6:30pm
In the 2015 Philly Tech Week magazine (available in April, available where Grid Magazines are stocked) you’ll find an illustrated map of our city’s innovation centers. Attend this party to celebrate the spaces represented and our city’s growing innovation economy.
Tuesday, April 21, 9:30am–5:30pm
Develop and create the best piece(s) of media you can that increases or improves transparency in government. Come with a team, or join one there. You can have a pitch ready, or wait to see what others say and add your energy to the effort!
Query Quizzo featuring Open Data from the School District of Philadelphia
Thursday, April 23, 4:00pm–6:00pm
Join the School District of Philadelphia and the Office of Innovation & Technology for Query Quizzo, an afternoon of diving into data and uncovering answers. Work in teams to answer three rounds of questions, working with open data sets provided by the School District, itself.