July 2: Green Infrastructure at Drexel


CCRUN invites you to the next presentation in the Green Infrastructure, Climate and Cities Seminar Series, to be held Wednesday, July 2, 2014 at Drexel University.  Join the discussion about the risks and opportunities presented to our urban communities by climatic extremes, and what decision makers, researchers, and practitioners are learning about how to address these issues.

Space is limited, so please RSVP for both in-person and webinar attendance at http://www.ccrun.org/seminars.

This month’s presentation:

Green Infrastructure: Enhancing Cities by Managing Stormwater

Dr. Robert Traver, Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Villanova University, and Director of both the Villanova Center for the Advancement of Sustainability in Engineering and the Villanova Urban Stormwater Partnership

Stormwater Management has changed dramatically in the last several years, as it has moved away from a flood control perspective toward sustainability of our rivers and watersheds. We have moved from detention basins, to incorporating stormwater wetlands, to pervious pavements, green roofs and bioretention and Low Impact Development utilizing green technologies. Combined sewer overflows, scarcity of land, trash challenges and maintenance costs require us to again refocus on designs that can succeed within an urban environment. To really change the landscape of the site, we need to rethink our designs and incorporate green technologies, and challenge our past assumptions. Many of these Stormwater Control Measures have been constructed and are under study at Villanova University. Dr. Robert Traver will discuss the issues, and results from these studies, focusing on bioinfiltration, and the lessons learned from using the campus as a field research site.

For more information please visit the CCRUN website:  http://www.ccrun.org/seminars



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