All webcasts are at 1 p.m. ET and are approved for 1.5 AICP CM credits. Click on the title links to register. You can see the current listing of all webcasts at
CM credits can be claimed by looking up the sponsoring Chapter or Division as provider
August 3rd
Creating & Telling Your Sustainability Story through Data & Engagement
Speakers: Kim Lundgren, ENV SP and Sarah Marchant, AICP
Description: Local governments face increasing pressure to transition to a more citizen-centric form of service delivery that is transparent, holds the government accountable, and provides an easy pathway for community members to be involved in decision-making. In many ways, this is a shift towards a more sustainable community. But for many local government leaders, limited staff and budgets make it difficult to even think about, let alone take action towards, incorporating “new” tasks into the daily staff routine to create a more sustainable community. Examine current trends in indicators, transparency, and smart cities, as well as a specific case study from Nashua, N.H., that shows how to develop and tell a community’s sustainability story based on available data. The City of Nashua had neither a sustainability director nor a sustainability plan when it employed a sustainability dashboard to share the data that framed its sustainability profile and engage community members in the effort to improve that data.
August 17th
Sustainable Transportation – What is it? With Examples from a Sustainability Icon, Norway!
Speakers: Ed McCormack, PhD and Ryan Avery, PhD
Description: As urban populations have grown, the need for sustainable transportation systems is increasingly crucial. Communities must now account for a range of complex factors in their transportation and land-use planning, including mass transit, economic development, livable communities, population density, climate change, alternative energies and more. This webinar explores the concepts behind sustainable transportation and provides an overview of successfully applying sustainable transportation principles in Norway. The webinar also covers a program at the University of Washington designed to train planners and engineers to bring a sustainability perspective to all aspects of transportation systems policy and planning.

Distance Education – These two recorded webcasts from 2017 have been selected for AICP CM DE credit for viewing anytime during the 2018 calendar year.
Law: Images, Creative Commons and Copyright – Urban Design and Preservation Division. Event #9127635
Ethics: Queer and the Conversation: The Ethics of Inclusion – LGBTQ and Planning Division. Event #9138341
Remember that the event numbers for DE credits are different from those for the live sessions.