Announcing the APA PA Annual Conference Call for Presentations – Deadline February 28

Has your community undertaken an innovative planning initiative that you’re really excited about? Has your firm designed a project that was greeted with enthusiastic approval by your client? Have you recently come upon new solutions to age-old land use and transportation problems? Have years of work finally paid off and you’re just itching to share your story with the world??

Then submit a proposal for a session at the 2014 APA PA Annual Conference, October 12-14, 2014 in Philadelphia!

This year’s conference theme is “Innovation from Historic Foundations“ in recognition of the way Philadelphia has used its rich history and legacy of planning to position itself to be a green, global city in the 21st Century. We want to hear how everyone in Pennsylvania, as well as our neighbors in New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland, is meeting the challenges of today while preserving resources for future generations.

The Conference Planning Committee has identified a list of tracks and session topics to help guide your submission. Applicants are encouraged to submit session proposals that fit into the suggested tracks, although submissions on other planning or related topics are also welcome for consideration. Increasingly, attendees to the annual conference want to hear about how to transfer ideas and innovations to their communities – less what your project was and more how someone else can achieve successful results.  In addition, consider how you plan to engage session attendees, who are seeking sessions that are more hands-on and interactive. Please review the criteria BEFORE submitting your presentation.  The deadline to submit your presentation proposals is Friday, February 28, 2014.

The Call for Presentations is available and sessions can be submitted online at:

Please save the date for the Annual Conference October 12-14 at Sheraton Philadelphia Society Hill Hotel!

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