Sept. 12: Creating an Implementable Comprehensive Plan

Presenters Denny Puko and Jim Pashek are bringing their session “Creating an Implementable Comprehensive Plan” to the Radnor Township Building in Wayne on September 12 from 12:30 to 4:00.  The session was previously held in the Pittsburgh area to glowing reviews from attendees.  In the session, planners will be challenged to think differently about the content and process of a comprehensive plan with the goal that the plan springboards implementation.  The workshop will show how work sessions and plan chapters can be built around a community’s priority issues – whether revitalizing downtown, fixing a problem corridor, becoming more walkable, or capitalizing on local history.  Research and lessons learned from two comprehensive plans done in this manner will be shared.

Register online at or use the attached registration form.  Please note that the times on the brochure are incorrect – the Wayne location is scheduled for 12:30 to 4:00.

Download: Implementable_Comprehensive_Plans_2012

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