Council Elections Are Just Around the Corner!

Last month we asked you to vote on a bylaw change clarifying our voting procedures. Voting is now closed and that bylaw change passed. With that behind us, it’s time to elect our 2013-2015 Section Council!

This spring the Southeast Section of APA-PA will hold its biennial election for the 2013-2015 term.  The Council is responsible for a variety of functions including carrying out training programs, mentoring planning students, holding social events including the annual fall event, and disseminating planning information to our members via the internet throughout the year. Council members participate on various committees, including Program, Education & Scholarship, Student Mentoring, and the Professional Development Institute that sponsors AICP-credit quality events.


The Council is comprised of the following elected offices:

Section Chair. The Section Chair presides at meetings of the Section Council and of the membership; provides leadership on the development of Section policies in coordination with the Section Council; and prepares an annual program and budget for approval by the Section Council.

Vice Chair. The Vice Chair presides at meetings of the Section Council and the membership in the absence of the Chair; and assists the Chair with managing the affairs of the Section.

Secretary. The Secretary maintains an accurate current list of members of the Section, based on data provided by APA-PA; prepares and report minutes of Section and Section Council meetings; and performs such other duties as required by these bylaws, as assigned by the Section Council, or as are customary to the office.

Treasurer. The Treasurer receives and disburses Section funds, assists the Section Chair in preparing an annual budget for review by the Section Council; and maintains accounts, which shall be open to inspection by members of the Section Council and subject to audit.


These officers are supported by a team of planners under the following categories:

Professional Planner-at-Large. These members represent the professional planning profession earning a majority of their income practicing planning and provide insight on programs and activities of the Section.

Citizen Planner. These members represent volunteer planners who sit on local planning commissions. They provide insight into lay planner needs within the Section.

Student Planner. These individuals are currently attending one the region’s universities in a planning program. They bring student needs and



All current members are eligible to participate on the Section Council.   Please consider running for a seat on the Council.  This is your chance to make a difference in how our Section is run and the services that we provide to our membership. Nominations will be closed at midnight on April 1.

Please submit your interest to David Ward, Nominating Committee Chair at The terms of all elected Section Council members is two (2) years.  Members of the Council take office on June 1st. Council meetings, which are open to all, are held in Center City the first Wednesday of odd-numbered months.



The Section Council election will be held electronically this year. Please look for an e-mail with a link to your ballot in mid-April.  Your vote counts!

The election will be open until April 30th.  A Teller Committee has been formed to tally the votes and report back to the Section Council at its May meeting.  The 2013-2015 Section Council will be announced in a future e-mail and posted to our website on or before May 25th.

Every member is encouraged to participate in the upcoming election.  Please take a couple minutes to do your part to define our upcoming Council.

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