RE-Development Academy Real Estate Webinars
Friday, September 13 | October 18 | November 8
1 PM – 3 PM ET
Cost: FREE
Plan to join the RE-Development Academy for Communities, a three-part FREE webinar series hosted by the Office of Brownfield & Land Revitalization where you will learn the process for redeveloping a contaminated site through the eyes of a property developer.
Community members (including local governments, economic development, and environmental protection departments, community nonprofits, brownfield redevelopment agencies & other local stakeholders), technical assistance providers, state and tribal partners, etc.
Increase your understanding of the real estate redevelopment process through the eyes of a developer! Learn about:
- Factors that motivate or discourage the development of contaminated properties.
- How & when developers make decisions.
- Special issues to consider (compatibility of site cleanup & reuse, contaminant type & location, institutional or engineering controls, etc.)
- Pre & post redevelopment activities, determining cost & return on investment