2013 AICP Exam Fee Partial Scholarships

The PA Chapter of the American Planning Association will award two (2) partial scholarships for the 2013 AICP Exam testing cycles. The scholarship reduces the exam fee from $495 to $135 for first time AICP applicants and from $425 to $65 for previously approved AICP applicants.  Financial hardship is the primary consideration for the scholarship. Members of ethnic or racial minorities shall be given preference for the scholarship. Test applicants whose employer subsidizes the exam fee are excluded from consideration.

Applications must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. Friday, January 18, 2013 for consideration.  Send completed applications to APA-PA Professional Development Officer Susan Elks, selks@chesco.org .  Call 717.671.4510 or email info@planningpa.org with questions.

Please see the PA Chapter website for additional information and the application.

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