Alphabet Soup Night
Thursday, October 12, 2017 | 5:30pm 7:30pm
Center for Architecture and Design 1218 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA, 19107
IALD, AIA, IIDA, DVASE, APAPASE, IFDA, AIGA, PA-DE ASLA, IDSA, APT, ASCE… whew! What do they all mean? Let’s break design discipline silos. Design Philadelphia is bringing together different design associations in a free event to help make the infrastructure of the design community stronger in Philly by collaborating.

Members of The American Institute of Architects take in the Parklet competition and enjoy the Loewen Happy Hour, Thursday May 19, 2016, at AIA Philadelphia’s Center for Architecture and Design in Center City Philadelphia. (AIA Philadelphia Photo/ Joseph Kaczmarek)
Come out and meet designers across Philadelphia over drinks and snacks. Chit chat, share ideas, and hear short lightning speed presentations from local representatives of American Institute of Architects (AIA), Delaware Valley Association of Structural Engineers (DVASE), Pennsylvania-Delaware American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), Association for Preservation Technology (APT), Industrial Design Society of America (IDSA), The International Furnishings and Design Association (IFDA), International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD), American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA), International Interior Design Association (IIDA), and yes us, the American Planning Association, Pennsylvania Chapter, Southeast Section (APAPASE)!
Event is free, registration required: