June 7: Healthy Communities Collaborations

A Healthy Communities movement is growing in Philadelphia!

Join FitCityPHL on Thursday, June 7th from 8:00am – 9:30am at One Parkway, 1515 Arch Street, 18th Floor, Room 18-028, Philadelphia, PA 19102 to hear from the multi-sector collaborations creating this energy.

REGISTER at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fitcityphl-collaborations-tickets-45936233511

All the momentum around designing places where residents live, work, and play to increase health have generated multiple cross-sector collaborations in the area. These stakeholder groups all share the goal to pull together public health professionals with the design sector to create Healthy Communities. On June 7th FitCityPHL will bring together the leadership of five stakeholder groups so you can learn how they’re working to increase public health through design.

Confirmed speakers include:

Julie Donofrio, Managing Director, PennPraxis

Grays Ferry Healthy Corridor Project

Justin Dula, Manager, Delaware County Planning Department

Healthy Communities in PA

Dr. Terri Lipman, Miriam Stirl Endowed Term Professor of Nutrition, Professor of Nursing of Children, Assistant Dean for Community Engagement, Interim Program Director, Pediatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Program, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing

Taking Action to Increase Physical Activity: Community Academic Partnerships Workgroup

Sara Ridenour, Associate Principal, Ballinger

Amanda Wagner, Nutrition and Physical Activity Program Manager, Get Healthy Philly, Division of Chronic Disease Prevention, Philadelphia Department of Public Health

American Institute of Architects, Philadelphia Chapter, Active Design Taskforce

Amy Verbosky, Senior Planner, Delaware Valley Planning Commission

Delaware Valley Planning Commission’s Healthy Communities Task Force


REGISTER at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fitcityphl-collaborations-tickets-45936233511


About FitCityPHL

FitCityPHL explores design strategies in workplaces, neighborhoods, and cities that improve health by promoting physical activity and healthy eating. It brings together individuals representing the sectors of architecture, planning, design, landscape architecture, development, public health, research and evaluation, academia, philanthropy, and government to learn about how the built environment can have a positive impact on the negative health trends currently facing communities – particularly obesity and other chronic conditions.


FitCityPHL is organized by a Planning Committee with representatives from Health Promotion Council, AARP, PA Inc., American Institute of Architects Philadelphia, Ballinger, Center for Architecture + Design, Community Design Collaborative, Delaware County Planning Commission, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, Drexel University, ERDY McHenry, Jefferson School of Architecture and Design, Kieran Timberlake, Montgomery County Planning Commission, NELSON, PennPraxis, Pennsylvania Chapter American Academy Pediatrics, Pennsylvania Department of Health, Philadelphia City Planning Commission, Philadelphia Department of Parks and Recreation, Philadelphia Department of Public Health, Philadelphia Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), Philadelphia Parks Alliance, United States Department of Health and Human Services, Valerie Piper, Watch Dog Realty, and WRT Design.

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