DVSGA Spring Forum: The High Cost of Free Parking

The Delaware Valley Smart Growth Alliance invites you to meet Donald Shoup, FAICP, recipient of the American Planning Association’s 2015 National Planning Excellence Award, who will address land use, parking, smart growth and strong communities. Following his presentation will be a discussion from our expert panelists, Anne Fadulon, Tim Haas, and Rob Zuritsky.
The American Planning Association, Pennsylvania Chapter, Southeast Section has partnered with the DVSGA to help plan this event and has reserved tickets for APA PA members. Please register today and select that you are an APAPASE member as this event is expected to sell out!
Thursday, May 5, 2016
8:30 am – 11:00 am
8:00 am – Registration opens
8:30 am – Introductions
8:45 am – Donald Shoup Keynote Presentaiton
9:45 am – Q&A
10:00 am – Break
10:15 am – Panel Discussion
10:45 am – Q&A
11:00 am – Adjourn
Energy Hall
2301 Market Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
Professor Shoup is a dynamic speaker that has changed the way communities around the country think about land use as it relates to parking policies. This event provides an opportunity for smart growth advocates and sceptics to hear from this nationally renowned expert on parking, land use, and economics. Parking is often one of the largest land uses in American cities and suburbs and has a huge effect on the viability smart growth projects.
Donald Shoup has been an influential voice in changing the discussion around free parking by highlighting the hidden costs of providing it and proposing innovative solutions to ensuring adequate parking with minimal land area. He is a Fellow of the American Institute of Certified Planners, Professor Emeritus of the Department of Urban Planning at UCLA, and an Honorary Professor at the Beijing Transportation Research Institute as well as being the recipient of the American Planning Association’s 2015 National Planning Excellence Award. Policies proposed in his book The High Cost of Free Parkinghave been successfully implemented in cities and towns nationwide.
For more information about the speaker and his work:
- Washington Post – How Parking Requirements Hurt the Poor
- Strong Towns – Blog and Podcast focused on building financially resilient communities
- Freakonomics Radio – Podcast with an economics focus
- 99% invisible – Podcast with a design focus
- Streetsblog – Text blog about street design
- Street Films – Short films about smart transportation
**This event has been approved for 2 AICP CM Credits**