Join the 12/14 Engagement Committee Call

APA Pennsylvania SE Section LogoHave ideas for how APA Pennsylvania Southeast section can reach its members? Have suggestions for how better to get value from your membership? Share them during the Engagement Committee call. The Engagement committee’s next call is Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at 3pm. Any interested section members are welcome to join by calling 1-877-292-8255 passcode 1207385.

The tentative agenda is below, but feel free to add ideas for discussion during the call or in advance by emailing

Engagement Committee Agenda

  1. Sponsorship and the Annual Event
    1. Starting 2017 sponsorship
      1. Sponsorship roll out
  2. Groups to engage in APAPASE
    1. Current Groups and efforts targeted to them
      1. Next Steps for Website Update
      2. Website Survey finalization from the Website Update Document
      3. Survey release strategy and timing
  3. Suggestions for additional groups
    1. How to reach out to more diverse participants.
    2. Future Cities coordination with Future Cities Philly.
    3. Temple Earthfest partnership ideas
    4. Advertising section only membership
  4. Engagement Efforts
    1. Current Efforts
    2. Suggest additional ways to engage
  5. Follow up items

For more details on the groups we wish to engage with and to see past notes, take a look at our running notes.

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