Feb. 12: Engage With Planning


Have ideas for how APA Pennsylvania Southeast section can reach its members? Have suggestions for how better to get value from your membership? Share them during the Engagement Committee call. The Engagement committee’s next call is Friday, February 12, 2016 at 11am. Any interested section members are welcome to join by calling 1-866-245-0351 passcode 605275.


The tentative agenda is below, but feel free to add ideas for discussion during the call or in advance by emailing chair@apapse.org


Engagement Committee Agenda

  1. Groups to engage in APAPASE
    1. Current Groups and efforts targeted to them
    2. Suggestions for additional groups
  2. Engagement Efforts
    1. Current Efforts
    2. Suggest additional ways to engage
  3. Follow up items


Details on points one and two in the agenda

  1. Groups to Engage
    1. Sponsors
      1. Obtaining Sponsors
      2. Helping Sponsors make the most of their sponsorship
        1. Welcome Guide
        2. Follow up reminders
      3. Citizen Planners
        1. Planning Officials
        2. Citizen Planning Institute
  • Retired professionals
  1. Students
    1. Scholarship Program
    2. Mentorship Program
  • Student Reps
  1. Emerging Professionals
    1. AICP study group
    2. Happy Hour Networking Events
  2. Established Professionals
    1. CM credited educational events
    2. Happy Hour Networking Events
  3. Other suggestions?
  1. Engagement Efforts
    1. Annual Event
      1. Event for all members of any level of involvement
      2. Make planning this a yearlong effort with more assistance
    2. Other Events
      1. Events Committee has done a great job planning events
      2. Various events targeted at different groups
  • Suggestions to bring to the events committee welcome
  1. Website (blog)
    1. Time to look into a redesign?
    2. Soliciting Posts
  • Email blasts with key posts (schedule?)
  1. Social Media
    1. Facebook
    2. Twitter
  • Others
  1. Other ways to engage

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