Jan. 22: How to Write a Successful Grant Application


Have you ever put tremendous effort into a grant application only to be turned down for funding? Do you struggle with writing grant proposals on behalf of your government agency, non-profit, or community development corporation? Have you ever wondered how you could improve your grant applications so they are more likely to be funded in the future? Join DVRPC for a one–day comprehensive grantwriting workshop!  Participants will increase their understanding of what type of information belongs in each proposal section, learn how to avoid common grant writing mistakes, and increase the odds of having their proposal selected. The workshop will feature short lectures, small group activities, and the opportunity to ask questions. In the afternoon, we will use DVRPC’s Transportation and Community Development Initiative (TCDI) application as a template to discuss what makes a project compelling to a funder, and how to make your project come to life despite word count limitations.

The workshop will be led by Pat Richter from PRQuickhelp Nonprofit Consulting. Specializing in proposal writing, strategic planning, program planning, research, and organization assessments, Ms. Richter will use her expertise to focus this session on how to prepare a successful grant application.

Friday, January 22, 2016

8:30 AM4:00 PM

Cost: $40.00


DVRPC – Main Conference Room

190 North Independence Mall West, 8th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106




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