Nov. 12: Healthy Communities Task Force Meeting

DVRPC’s Healthy Communities Task Force meeting will be held on Thursday, November 12, 2015 from 10am to 12pm.  This meeting will focus on equity and active transportation with presentations on the state of active transportation and equity, how complete streets policies affect different communities, and what Philadelphia’s bike share program, Indego, has done to be more inclusive.

Healthy Communities Task Force Meeting

Thursday, November 12th

Coffee and Tea available at 9:30am

Meeting starts at 10am

Lunch served after meeting

DVRPC’s Main Conference Room

The ACP Building – 8th Floor

190 N. Independence Mall West

Philadelphia, PA


To RSVP, please email by Thursday, November 5thPlease let us know if you will be staying for lunch and if you have any dietary requests.


We look forward to building new partnerships and discovering new ways that planners, transportation professionals, and public health practitioners can work together to support healthier communities!


For more information about DVRPC’s healthy communities planning efforts, please visit

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