Oct. 30-Nov. 2: Big Ideas, Global Impacts

2014 ACSP 54th Annual Conference

The Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning is holding its annual conference in Philadelphia October 30 – November 2 at the Loews Philadelphia Hotel.  Today’s planning researchers and practitioners grapple with “big ideas”. From big data to fundamental restructuring of the world’s economy to climate change, the challenges of planning have changed dramatically. These challenges are daunting but they provide unprecedented opportunities for planning to have global impacts like never before. With these big challenges in mind, the Philadelphia ACSP conference aims to provide opportunities to address the big issues of today and tomorrow. Many of the sessions are approved for CM credits.

One day registration as a local practitioner is available.  Please visit http://www.acsp.org/conferences/annual_conference for more details and use the attachment to register as a local practitioner: Local Practitioner Form

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