2016 Student Scholarship Awards Announced

The Southeast Section announced its 2016 student scholarship awards at the Annual Event at the Lucky Dog Saloon on November 3rd.  The winners were selected by a sub-committee of the section council using a set of criteria that included topic originality, thoroughness of research and quality of analysis and conclusions.  This year the program was very competitive with eleven submissions.


The winners are as follows:

 1st Place- Group AwardTEMPLE-   Community Engagement- Kensington (3 students)

Michelle Atherton/Leonard Bonarek/Ted Mullen


2nd Place- Group AwardTEMPLE- Division Street Revitalization (3 students)

Corey Brown/Michelle Goddard/Mark Huber


3rd Place- Individual AwardWCU-3D Modeling in Land Development Planning

Madeline Schueren

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