July 18: LGBT-Friendly Senior Housing in Philadelphia


LGBT-Friendly Senior Housing in Philadelphia: Creating the John C. Anderson Apartments

Register at http://LGBTHousing.eventbrite.com/

Event: Thursday, July 18, 2013 7pm to 8:30 with reception to follow
At The William Way Community Center
1315 Spruce St
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Tickets can also be purchased at the door using check or cash.
The speakers will start promptly at 7 and will be followed by a reception afterward with light refreshments.
1.5 AICP CM Credits pending approval

The John C. Anderson Housing Project is a significant precedent affordable housing development in Center City Philadelphia that has been undertaken to specifically address the needs of senior citizens in Center City Philadelphia. In the gay community, this demographic group has been overlooked in programming and community planning initiatives until recently. Lessons learned will be shared for an in-house and national (via webinar) audience, highlighting the project management/development, senior programming, LGBT needs, funding, and planning perspectives.

This event is a panel session involving four experts involved in the successful creation of a new LGBT-friendly, affordable, senior housing development in Philadelphia. Perspectives include: multi-sector financing, development coordination, senior needs, green technologies, and integrating LGBT aging issues into program planning and facilities.

This session is a part of the 2013 Greenbuild Challenge


This event is co-sponsored with the Gays and Lesbians in Planning (GALIP) Division.

GALIP logo

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