APAPASE Member Spotlight – June – Louis Hufnagle

Louis Hufnagle
Project Manager
Traffic Planning and Design, Inc. (TPD)


How long have you worked at TPD?

3 ½ years.

What are your main responsibilities of your job?

Municipal assistance, multi-modal projects, Geographic Information System projects as well as monitoring grant programs and funding opportunities.

What are you working on now? Can you tell us about a recent or ongoing project or initiative that you are excited about?

I am currently working on multi-modal projects in several different states including Pennsylvania, New Jersey and North Carolina. One interesting project I recently worked on was the creation of a bicycle level of stress map for the SEDA-Council of Governments region (Central Pennsylvania). Creating stress maps that cover multiple counties can be a difficult and daunting task; however, using GIS for analysis made the project very manageable.

What is your favorite part of your current job?   

With all of the advances in technology and the fact that TPD has offices in several states, I am able to work on projects outside of the region and I can learn a lot about these different places.

How did you get into the field of planning?   

When I was visiting colleges and universities, I was given a tour of West Chester University’s GIS lab. Seeing the numerous capabilities and applications that GIS provided, I decided to pursue a major in Geography and Planning.

What was your first job?

My first full time job after college was doing inside sales, accounts receivable and customer service for Sara Lee Household and Body Care in Exton, PA while I was seeking a job in Planning. Prior to that I had several part time jobs in high school and college ranging from bagging groceries to changing oil on cars.

What is your favorite place in the region?   

Okehocking Preserve, it is a little known preserve in Willistown Township with many trails and acres of open space. I take my dogs there often!

What changes have you noticed about the profession over the course of your career?

I see a much greater emphasis for accommodating all modes of transportation with a lot of interest growing in multi-use trails and bicycle/pedestrian facilities.

APAPASE is a network of nearly 800 planners working and studying in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Our members work across public, private, nonprofit, and institutional sectors and possess an impressive diversity of expertise and experience. The APAPASE Member Spotlight is a new regular feature of our website designed to help you get to know your peers. If you or someone you know would like to be featured here, please send an email to asvekla@dvrpc.org.

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