March 27: Journey to Sustainability

Symposium: Journey to Sustainability

Friday, March 27, 2015, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Rotwitt Theater, McShain Performing Arts Center

Rosemont College

Journey to Sustainability will explore the positive social and environmental impact of sustainability and sustainable business practices. Join a community of scholars, business practitioners, and sustainability experts committed to addressing the environmental challenges currently facing human beings.


Keynote Presentation: “Living within the Journey of the Universe”

Mary Evelyn Tucker, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer and Research Scholar, Yale University

Presentation: “The New Climate Reality”

Diane M. Philips, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Marketing, St. Joseph’s University


Presentation: “Degrowth – Can Society Survive without Growth?”

Jim Merkel, Global Living Project, author of Radical Simplicity


Workshops: Topics include green business practices, economic feasibility evaluations for sustainable projects, and sustainability and spirituality.

Panel Session: A panel of local business leaders will discuss their approaches to sustainability.

Poster Session: Rosemont College students will discuss their sustainability projects.


  • $15 registration includes one workshop and lunch.
  • Attend for all or part of the day
  • For more information and to


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