March 28 & April 11, 18: Complete Streets Webinar Series

All webinars will be from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Why Complete Streets Are Important — What They Are and What They Are Not


  • Complete Streets policies have been gaining traction as more communities realize the benefits of having safe, accessible, and healthy streets.
  • Over 1400 Complete Streets policies have been passed at the local, regional, and state levels across the country – including small and medium-sized municipalities in Pennsylvania.
  • Implementation of effective complete streets policies help communities create safe and inviting road networks designed for people of all ages and  abilities, as well as for multiple modes of transportation – bicycles, walking,  wheeling, public transit and personal vehicles.
  • “Complete Streets” are not mandates for immediate retrofit. They are not an order to redesign every street in your community. Adoption of a Complete  Streets Policy does not  mean every street must have sidewalks, bike lanes and accommodate public transit.

Event Registration

March 28 – Complete Streets Basics and Benefits
April 11 Best Practices!
April 18 Complete Streets Planning and Policies

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