Become an Instructor on Zoning Practice

PMPEI is Looking for People Who Want to Teach  Zoning Classes. A “Train-the-Trainer” class is scheduled for new instructors who want to teach the PMPEI

Course in Zoning. Train-the-Trainer prepares instructors to teach courses by equipping them with an in-depth knowledge of course content to ensure it will be taught consistently throughout the Commonwealth. Principles of adult education, program procedures, and presentation delivery are also part of the training.

Citizen and professional planners and allied professionals with a minimum of five years’ experience in planning and zoning in PA are eligible to become PMPEI Certified Instructors. If you are committed to planning education and would like to become a Certified Instructor the deadline for applying for The Course in Zoning training is May 5, 2017.

The three-day intensive training will be held Friday and Saturday, May 19 and 20, and Saturday, June 3, 2017 at the Centre Region Council of Governments Building in State College. The registration fee is $150 and covers instruction, materials, all breaks, lunches, and a Friday night meal. Trainees are responsible for transportation and lodging.

Teaching assignments are made so instructors will be teaching close to where they live. PMPEI instructors receive compensation for teaching, travel, and meal expenses.

For an application, or more information about PMPEI and the training, contact Stanford Lembeck, AICP, at 814-237-2382 or


The Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Education Institute (PMPEI) was established in 1992 for the purpose of providing courses in community planning and land use regulations for planning commissioners, zoning hearing board members, zoning administrators, elected officials, and others with an interest or involvement in planning. Visit for more information.

Certification Maintenance (CM) credit may be available for AICP members attending the training.

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