APA Calling for Photos


The APA Photo Auction – sponsored by the Chapter President’s Council – supports The Planning Foundation of APA which funds philanthropic activities that the American Planning Association has supported for years – scholarships and community equity programs – and new initiatives like special research projects and creative ways to “tell the planning story.”

This auction involves a friendly competition among National APA Chapters and Divisions. APA is  asking each participating Chapter and Division to donate a photographic image that is representative of their Chapter that reflects the Conference theme: PLAN BIG. They hope to continue a tradition of holding a Silent Auction at the National Conference to raise money for student scholarships.

We are asked to submit one digital image that best represents our Chapter for donation to this Silent Auction.  APA wants a photo that reflects the diversity of our Chapter. Creativity is encouraged – area landmarks, a lively neighborhood scene/activity node, or a scene, structure, or activity, representative of our respective Chapter would be great!

With our participation in this effort, Planners throughout the nation will have the opportunity to see and bid on photographs that reflect the diversity of our organization, and in the process provide much needed financial support for planning student scholarships.

Images may be color or black and white and should be formatted for printing as a 12″ X 16″ photograph for display in a 16″ x 20″ frame. For best quality, photos should be taken by a camera with a minimum resolution of 8 mega pixels.

If you have a digital photo to submit, please send it to  sshermer@shermer-assoc.com

Please provide the following information when transmitting your image:

  • -Photo Title
  • -Description of photo, including location
  • -Chapter/Division/Person Submitting Photo
  • -Contact Person with Phone number and email address


We must send our entry to APA by March 29

For more information contact

Kurt Christiansen, AICP at kchristiansen@ci.azusa.ca.us  OR

Virginia Viado at virginia.viado@urs.com

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