2015 Scholarship Awards Call for Papers

Papers written during the 2014/2015 school year MUST be submitted electronically as a PDF to the APAPASE Education Committee at scholarships@apapase.org by Friday, June 5th at 5pm.
APAPASE is looking for Graduate School program papers (individual and group) about topics and issues relevant to the Delaware Valley Region. Eligible papers can address contemporary planning-related topics, such as sustainability, Smart Growth, and energy planning, and include methods for achieving implementation. Papers must be generated through graduate level studios and/or class/course assignments.
Papers will be evaluated by these criteria: subject quality and originality, paper structure, technical writing, thoroughness of research, and analysis and conclusions.
APAPASE will present THREE awards, totaling $2,000 for the top submitted papers. Winning papers will be posted on the APAPASE blog and may also be sent to the American Planning Association.
Click here to download the flier: APAPASE_2015Scholarship

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